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Former @WSJ • Book WOKE ARMY • • 304-685-2189 • @DPearlProject @JewishJournal @TheMuslimReform Former @Georgetown Prof

Dec 21, 2022, 17 tweets

🔥🧵 Your head will explode! Reporting an @IWN investigation published @CityJournal, I just learned, TWO YEARS LATER, my son is a National Merit Commended Student in the top 3% of students. His principal hides the honor from families as @fcpsnews chases "equal outcomes" for kids.

@IWN @CityJournal @fcpsnews EXCLUSIVE @IWN @CityJournal: @TJHSST_Official principal @TJAnnB has withheld news of @NationalMerit awards from TJ families, most of them Asian, denying students the right to use the award to boost their college-admission prospects and earn scholarships.…

This scandal, hiding National Merit awards from kids, emerges as @FCPSSupt @FCPSNews board launches a plan for “equal outcomes for every student, without exception,” with “equitable grading,” giving students 50% just for showing up. @FFXParentsAssoc recently exposed the policy.

Sept. 16, 2022, @NationalMerit shipped @TJAnnB 240 certificates for TJ students and a letter with this message in BOLD: “Please present the letters of commendation as soon as possible since it is the students’ only notification.”…

After a postage snafu, the box arrived to @TJHSST mid-October. Early college application deadlines passed on Oct. 31. THEN, Nov. 14, homeroom teachers unceremoniously gave kids the certificates. @TJAnnB NEVER informed parents or the public.

How did we learn about @TJAnnB hiding the awards? Intrepid TJHSST mom Shawna Yashar, an attorney, started asking questions. TJ administrator Brandon Kosatka first lied to her, saying @CollegeBoard informs kids. It NEVER has. He 'fessed up why Ann and he hide news of the awards...

TJ admin Brandon Kosatka admitted to TJ mom Shawna Yashar they hide National Merit honors on purpose: “We want to recognize students for who they are as individuals, not focus on their achievements,” adding they don't want to “hurt” the feelings of kids who don't get the award.

TJ admin Brandon Kosatka works for activist TJ principal @TJAnnB who said in June 2020, "Hear! Hear!" when a teacher wrote her and said, "The Iron is hot," for changes to TJ admissions after George Floyd's killing. I wrote about her activism in @FDRLST:…

TJ mom Shawna Yashar spoke to @fcpsnews asst. supt. @fezuluaga who owned the screwup. He told me: "It was a mistake." I asked for remedies:
1⃣ inform all parents from past years
2⃣ hand over the awards @TJAnnB has held
3⃣ investigate Ann, Brandon
4⃣ celebrate kids

Crickets 🦗

Advocate @d_tisler says TJ kids are gifted, many with disabilities, most minorities with immigrant parents. @fcpsnews violated their civil rights, she says. @usdoegov @EDcivilrights. Contact me if you wonder: was my award kept from me?…

Wise readers are outraged a principal hides National Merit awards from kids + parents. Wonder why she thinks she is untouchable? Former TJ PTSA president @CindyDG17 minimizes the coverup + denial of rights to mostly minority families, while preaching for “equity” 🤯 #hypocrite

1️⃣ @CindyDG17, @TJAnnB CANNOT keep property + educational info about a kid from a parent
2️⃣ She is NOT celebrating “all” students when the principal keeps awards to not “hurt” feelings
3️⃣ Commended qualify for special scholarships ⬇️
4️⃣ Your hate for us is sick
5️⃣ Take the L

Wonder what non-woke schools do to celebrate @NationalMerit Commended Students? Look ⬇️
They applaud students, honor them at school board meetings and shout from the rooftops the news, not hide the award. They don’t say oh there are too many of you at 1 school 🤯 @RachnaHeizer

Thank you @InsideNoVA @jaredforetek for confirming our @IWN @CityJournal investigation.

His headline says it all: "Fairfax County Public Schools didn't notify TJ's National Merit 'Commended Students.'"

@fcpsnews admits mistake, then tap dances👯


Question. TJHSST Principal Ann Bonitatibus @TJAnnB and Director of Student Services Brandon Kosatka intentionally withheld from students awards honoring them as National Merit Commended Students. Should they be fired?
cc: @fcpsnews @FCPSSupt @fezuluaga @RachnaHeizer @NickMinock

Here is the link to the @InsideNoVA @wtop article by @JaredForetek. @fcpsnews spokesperson "told InsideNova that the division was working to remedy the situation," noting: “FCPS understands the hard work and dedication of each and every student.."…

Great @nypost column by fierce @MaudMaron on false binary of individuals v. achievement: "What if you’re a really smart kid who takes pride in your academic achievements? What if the answer to 'Who am I as an individual?' is ...'National Merit Scholar'?"…

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