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Jun 4th 2023
Here is an example of someone who proclaims her love of Jews, her People and Israel!

Instead, she is a #liar #hypocrite #amoral who engages in #bloodlibels
Go see a shrink Simone. He is waiting for you! Image
Simone's #Lies #Libels exposed by Black South Africans who lived under apartheid! Image
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Feb 10th 2023
#TheReidOut segment covered this article…this is disturbing. Wonder if the #Weaponization committee will cover this?…
2/AS RACIAL JUSTICE PROTESTS broke out nationwide in summer of 2020, a man driving a silver hearse became a reg at the demonstrations in Denver.He was a paunchy 5’7" w a ruddy complexion & wore military fatigues w patches on the sleeves. By activist standards, he was an old-timer
3/pushing 50 as he swaggered thru crowds of teens &20-smthing protesters, a cigar clamped in his lips. “I didn’t know much abt him, but he drove a hearse,” said Zebbodios “Zebb” Hall, a Black activist in Denver. “Inside this hearse was a lot of guns: AR-15s & all other kinds of💩
Read 43 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
As you can see what a #LiarsGonnaLie really looks like.

As we know, #IPCC aka @policeconduct have NEVER EVER taken my complaint on board that was made on the 5/2/2015 but it has only ever been on my twin sisters #complaint.

As for the #Statement surrounding #socialmediastrategy Image
and not having anything to do with my @TwitterCreators @FBoversight accounts removed, but my @Dropbox is ok.

well let me just remind you fish face after you decided you had nothing better to do but to setup your @TwitterSupport account in the name of #misery @realerthanm0st
but for the @FACTukorg you have shit for brains as all in the @metpoliceuk did not realise if she used the same screenshot sent to her colleges when using @the_tpa to fuckin #Gaslighting me you decided to change the name to TONI LOVELL and changed the profile pic to the screen ImageImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
🔥🧵 Your head will explode! Reporting an @IWN investigation published @CityJournal, I just learned, TWO YEARS LATER, my son is a National Merit Commended Student in the top 3% of students. His principal hides the honor from families as @fcpsnews chases "equal outcomes" for kids.
@IWN @CityJournal @fcpsnews EXCLUSIVE @IWN @CityJournal: @TJHSST_Official principal @TJAnnB has withheld news of @NationalMerit awards from TJ families, most of them Asian, denying students the right to use the award to boost their college-admission prospects and earn scholarships.…
This scandal, hiding National Merit awards from kids, emerges as @FCPSSupt @FCPSNews board launches a plan for “equal outcomes for every student, without exception,” with “equitable grading,” giving students 50% just for showing up. @FFXParentsAssoc recently exposed the policy.
Read 17 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
So the account @ElonJet seems to have gone dormant last Mon (12/5) after it was #exposed that @elonmusk pushed to shadow ban the account because it was providing easy access to PUBLICLY available info.
I wonder if I'll be secretly shadow banned using the "#VisibilityFiltering" technique for deliberately bringing news of this from a #Mastodon link.…

#FreeSpeech #PublicUse #Hypocrite
I'm well aware of @elonmusk's warped sense of #FreeSpeech and that the @USConst_Amend_I only actually protects you from GOVT censorship.

Just doing my part to tip the multi billionaire's ego the wrong way.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 25th 2022
More #Rethuglicans who cried foul on PPP loans got their own forgiveable loans, & even applied to have them forgiven!

GOP Chairman Frank Eathorne told WyoFile earlier in 2022 he regretted accepting fed agricultural subsidies totaling $109,000 for the yrs 2001-2005. #hypocrite
2/“Since then, I have learned that gov handouts are not for me,” the Wyoming GOP chair Eathorne said. “They don’t fit my political ideology. If a private business can’t remain in business on its own, it probably shouldn’t be asking for gov help.” 

3/In January 2021, however, Eathorne was approved for a $20,883 PPP loan — the max amt that a sole proprietor or self-employed individual could borrow. The loan, taken out under his full name, “William Eathorne,” retained 1 job, according to the record.

Read 40 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
C'est l'histoire d'un groupe privé qui fait du greenwashing alors qu'il s' accapare notre ressource naturelle l'eau et que son patron a assez d'argent à lui tt seul pour éradiquer la faim en Afrique...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
Testing testing testing ….security is pretty thick outside the Wuville mayoral estate @MayorWu 9 vehicles 10 police 2 #defeatthemandates moms Nine Police Cars and Wagons. Todays #WokeInWuville is brought to you by the number
Hey Mayor Wudeau . These moms have spines thicker than truckers. They’re not going away. Good for them.
#NoVaccineMandates #HONKHONKHONK
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Jan 8th 2022
Political prisoners being held by their own gov?? They’re #DomesticTerrorists #insurrectionists & murderers! #TheReidOut

There are Black ppl who haven’t even been CHARGED w — or tried for— a crime being held in prison for YRS & not 1 #rethuglican is championing them!
2/where was @RepMTG when #DevoniaInman was held for 23 yrs tho innocent?

At least the #insurrectionists DID what they’re accused of — there’s a REASON they’re in jail Madge!

Did you help Devonia?? Margie3 names? #Hypocrite #ExpelTheSeditionists…
3/did @replouiegohmert try to help #BenjamineSpencer ? A man in TX who was in prison for 34 yrs despite being innocent, wrongly accused by a witness who couldn’t have possibly seen him at the crime scene, & another man admitted to the killing?…
Read 4 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021
Round Rock ISD Board meeting has started. First several minutes of the livestream did not have audio. Right now, five board members are conferring with Bone off side of the stage. Danielle is in front of dais, greeting supporters and giving them instructions.
Audio problems on stage. Trustees can’t hear each other speaking. That’s a problem. Sounds like they should adjourn. With two of three topics off the table, best to reschedule and move back to regular board meeting. #RRISD @RoundRockISD
As always, Danielle Weston has her face in her mobile device. #RRISD
Read 123 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
@steph_pettigrew I identify as EasternMetis , can you tell me exactly how I am hurting Indigenous groups? Oh please, this should be interesting.
I feel sorry for you that you believe @DarrylLeroux, have you done any independent research into "The Other Metis" at all ? LAC - Metis Circle Special Consultation -- Rock Matte, Claude Aubin, Frank Palmater etc.
Have you read the RCAP reports, specifically RCAP 432 and RCAP 433 ?…
Read 17 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
Oh suddenly it all makes sense why he needs to discredit the MNO.. Sick !! Gross !! Can be paid to take any position !!
So let me get this straight, he is getting grants from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, so he can go around and say the people he is researching doesn't exist?? When he doesn't actually talk to the communities? Wow, wth !! @SSHRC_CRSH
He makes inflammatory posts like this and is to stupid to even know they are wayside crosses, not totem poles? Maybe he should research that !! - Dear Jesus !!…
Read 29 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
@SenTomCotton @SenTomCotton You called for the use of the military to stop the #blm protestors last summer. People who protested the extrajudicial killing of Black people by Police officers.

"If local politicians will not do their most basic job to protect our citizens, let's see how these
@SenTomCotton @SenTomCotton your words are empty.

anarchists respond when the 101st Airborne is on the other side of the street," Cotton said on Fox News.

Hmm, I wonder what your thoughts are now that we have actual anarchists & whites supremacists led by #trump try to overthrow the US
@SenTomCotton Government. You were very forceful in June 2020. What say you now?! #tomcotton #republican #hypocrite #racist #gopsenators

Sen. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, on last June pushed for the use of military force against Black Lives Matter demonstrators
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May 5th 2020
yesterday i skimmed the subreddit for the skins and a guy new to the dc area asked if he should buy season tickets and i felt like the person yelling at the lead in a horror movie: DON'T GO IN THERE, GIRL #httr
i am more pessimistic about my football team than i am the democratic party. i can see some scenario in which the dems win. i can't find any scenario where a super bowl comes to dc any time soon. #httr
the skins management, every season: #httr
Read 6 tweets
May 5th 2020
@FueledByChocos There's not only #boyslockerroom , #GirlsLockerRoom also exists...
@FueledByChocos The parallel existance of #GirlsLockerRoom with #boyslockeroom also needs to be exposed ...
This Whole ti*tok generation of these people is so fucked up...
Read 6 tweets
Jan 28th 2020
Just to recap and circulate at a more visible time, early this morning I circulate a few threads making the case AGAINST #BernieSanders who is Trump's and the Republicans' Dream Candidate.
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Sep 17th 2019
The difference between us is @RepDLesko would rather deal in fear and inaction, while I prefer solutions. We send people to Congress to do a job. She’s clearly not up to the task.
As a gun owner, I’ve said what I think can be done to address the problem that doesn’t impact anyone’s Second Amendment or due process rights. This is a solvable problem, just not by her. #DoYourJob #muscatoforcongress
Her expectation that a single law solves 100% of the problem is naive. Stopping even one mass shooter means saving dozens of lives. Given her support for the sanctity of unborn life, it’s interesting she has no apparent interest in protecting lives after they’re born. #Hypocrite
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Jun 16th 2019
#ElizabethWarren's bill reminds me of Romney's advice to youths in 4/2012, "Borrow money, if you have to, from your parents. Start a business... [Jimmy John Liautaud] borrowed $20K from his dad..."

The loan was c. 7/82 and was actually $25K.
$25K in 7/82 = $59K in 4/12
In the first half of 2019, the nat'l average #rent increased by 2.6%.…
Warren declined to be interviewed for this story. In May, at request of media, her campaign released a summary of her outside work. As a senatorial candidate, Warren released a shorter version, which omitted her work for Dow Chemical.

Read 23 tweets
Apr 13th 2018

Michael Cohen negotiated a deal in late 2017 to pay $1.6 million to a former Playboy model who said she was impregnated by ELLIOTT BROIDY, a top @GOP fundraiser close to Trump who is the former **Deputy Finance Chair of the #RNC‼️…
🔥Broidy: “I had a consensual relationship w/a Playboy Playmate. At the end of our relationship, this woman shared w/me that she was PREGNANT. She alone decided that she did not want to continue with the pregnancy & I offered to help her financially during this difficult period.”
Meaning: Broidy paid for her to have an ABORTION‼️🙄


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