🇺🇦Paula Chertok🗽 Profile picture
Linguist, lawyer, writer, refugee, immigrant • Analyzing propaganda, media, Russia, Ukraine • @Euromaidanpress @StopFakingNews • Democracy•Inclusion•Innovation

Dec 22, 2022, 11 tweets

Day 300 of Russia's 3-day war: A full house for Ukraine's Zelensky, about to deliver a historic speech to Congress.

Eat your heart out Putin! The mafia state war criminal terrorist kleptocrat will never set foot in the US, let alone be invited into the citadel of democracy.

Roars from Congress for President Zelensky! Long applause, hooting and hollering, and standing ovation.


🇺🇦Zelensky: Dear Americans, I hope my words of respect and gratitude resonate in each American house.

Zelensky to Congress: Despite all the doom and gloom scenarios, Ukraine didn't fall. Ukraine is alive and kicking.

Zelensky: This struggle will define what world our children and grandchildren will live [in].

Zelensky: Your money is not charity. It's an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way.

MAGA Republicans stay seated as most members of Congress stand in applause.

Ukraine will celebrate Christmas. Even in the cold and dark. We do not complain. Ukrainians will still sit down at the holiday table and cheer each other up. Our faith will be our light.

Zelensky quotes FDR on "absolute victory," then gifts a flag from the battle of Bakhmut, signed by soldiers to Congress and the American people

Speaker Pelosi gives Pres. Zelensky the flag that was flown over the US Capitol in honor of Pres. Zelensky's visit.

🇺🇦Zelensky was humble, grateful, evocative, stoic, determined, spirited, and received a hero's welcome by the US Congress.

He ended his historic speech with the traditional Ukrainian call-and-response #SlavaUkraini #HeroyamSlava 💙💛

Zelensky's English was a little hard to understand at times, but he made a point of delivering his speech in English to show his respect and gratitude to Americans for the military and moral support in this horrific war. Something he mentioned to Speaker Pelosi before the speech.

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