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Order of Battle #ORBAT, Military Open Source Intelligence #OSINT, Imagery Intelligence #IMINT, GeoSpatial intelligence #GEOINT & Travel. #RealOSINT = Satire.

Dec 23, 2022, 6 tweets

Thread about Chinese Eastern Theatre Command (ETC) ground forces, their major assault force against Taiwan and possibly Japan.
More details with Google Maps link in the last tweet of this thread.


ETC has 3 Group Armies (GA), 71st, 72nd and 73rd. Each has 6 Combined Arms Brigades (CAB) with the usual supporting units.

71st CABs: 3 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light, 1 Unclear (160th)

72nd CABs: 2 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light, 1 Amphibious, 1 Unclear (124th)


73rd CABs: 2 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light, 2 Unclear (14th, 145th)

The borders are maritime and patrolled by 301st, 302nd, 303rd and 304th BDRs with Boat units.


PLA Rocket Force's 61st Base in Anhu has a huge arsenal of conventionally armed SRBMs and MRBMs which are assigned to ETC. 

In case of a war with Taiwan, Marine Corps troops are expected to clear the way followed by ETC and possibly Southern TC's amphibious CABs


creating beachheads. The other units depend upon civilian and dual use assets to cross the Taiwan strait. That part will be controlled by JLSF and SSF.

Last 2 are hugely important, but useful information about them is hard to find.


Detailed #orbat of Eastern TC: jjamwal.in/yayavar/chines…

Google Map: earth.google.com/web/@28.537665…

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