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Leading the Tzivos Hashem and still handing out the magick dollar$ every Sunday.

Dec 23, 2022, 7 tweets

Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology - Edited by Gabriel Flynn and Paul D. Murray

(p. 522) The ultimate end game of the 18th century Russian Orthodox church's 'Ressourcement', adopted by the Novus Ordo & which provided the framework for Vatican II, is recognizing the N. O. church's subservient relationship with the synagogue as typified by the Noahide Laws.

(pp. 310-11) 'Ressourcement' received a boost when the 'Holocaust' & the Dead Sea Scrolls were added to the witches’ brew and alchemically transmogrified Christianity into an empty inverted version of itself.

Andrew Louth’s ‘French Ressourcement Theology and Orthodoxy: A Living Mutual Relationship?’ on pages 495-507 can be read here bit.ly/2VzbDTB

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