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Dec 23rd 2022
Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology - Edited by Gabriel Flynn and Paul D. Murray
(p. 522) The ultimate end game of the 18th century Russian Orthodox church's 'Ressourcement', adopted by the Novus Ordo & which provided the framework for Vatican II, is recognizing the N. O. church's subservient relationship with the synagogue as typified by the Noahide Laws.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 14th 2020
Beautiful DF thanks for the invitation. And now the same thread and message in English.
Let's talk about twin flames! In my case from what I intuit, know and see, from here Nikos DM!
#TwinFlames #TwinFlameReunion #divinefeminine #divinemasculine
Let's talk about the sensations, both the annoying and the pleasant ones.
We are going to a better place, but walking with our steps and actions to travel that journey. Only we can carry us and walk our way.
In the case of sensations and emotions, beautiful and annoying: Let's be honest, what hurts is ours, whether we are DM or DF. This like everything has its origin in mirror work.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
LongThread, #atheistRepublic and #atheistGang #atheistCult exposed!
Apeek into #hinduphobic #hinduphilic discussions that occur at atheistRepublic youtube channel! in the name of #atheismActivism #normalizingBlasphemy
@VedicWisdom @TarekFatah @dharmicverangna
@jsaideepak Image
(2/n)Discussion about the upcoming 4 new projects!
(3/n)k*alimaa and Moha**ed
Read 7 tweets

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