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Dec 25, 2022, 17 tweets

[Jyanino Channel 25/12]
#191 <A World's First> The Day We Held The Quickest Interview ever

Good evening, everyone ♪
This is Jyanino Channel!!!!
You did well for the past week🙇‍♂️
We wish you a Merry Christmas🥽
That being said, how are you spending your day?🐞


When I walked in the streets today, it was decked in Christmas colors🐥
The innocent couples were so beautiful, they were *whistles*🦆
Merry Christmas💁‍♀️
That being said, please enjoy today's video too ♪

T/N: If anyone can decrypt the meaning of Nino's emoticons, pls let me know

☆🎄Merry Christmas🎄☆
We're bringing you today's video from this location☆
I'm sure you already know☆

㊗️Celebrating Sexy-Zo's* Dome Concert
When Mr Accounting Went To Celebrate

Nino: Ninomiya is finally here at the venue~ Yay~! It's Sexy Zone!

Nino observes how the "xy" in Sexy Zone's logo has a different color.

T/N: I love how he mumbled so much that even he didn't know what he said in the captions.😂

Honestly, his video is giving me such fancam energy. This is the only kind of fancam that I need from Johnny's.

Sexy Zone is here!!!!!

Caption: Congratulations on your first Dome concert☆

Shori: Sexy Zone has made it to the Dome!!

Nino: Aww Sou-chan is crying! You can do this!

Caption: I teared up...

T/N: Nino tears up as he sings along to the opening number, "Sexy Zone".

Remember when Nino was singing along to "Sexy Zone" when they went shopping for camping goods? No?

Here you go:

Nino: Concerts where you're allowed to raise your voice are the best. It's awesome!

T/N: During the pandemic, concertgoers were told not to speak/vocally cheer for the idols in order to prevent the spread of COVID. This restriction was lifted recently and fans can cheer again.

It's kinda amazing that even where Nino's sitting, he's still getting these close-ups from the screen.

He cheered when Shori said his classic line, "Sexy rose"🌹

Imagine having an Arashi member waving to you from the stands... #SexyZone #blessed

Nino: Fuma!

Caption: He didn't notice me at all (^__^)

Nino: There it is! A favorite song of mine. "Bye Bye Dubai" is starting!

"Bye Bye Dubai ~See you again ~"

This PV is super emotional because you can also spot the young members of...

King & Prince - Kishi, Jinguji, Kaito, Genki
Travis Japan - Chaka, Machu
7 Men Samurai - Reia

Let me know if I missed anyone!

Nino: Ah~ Kikuchi Fuma has done it again. One-upping his kouhai. So unpleasant~

Nino: Ooh~ There he goes! He's headed somewhere.

T/N: I'm loving Nino's Sexy Zone concert commentary. Can we have a DVD release with his commentary as a bonus?

Nino: So Sexy Zone's concert has ended smoothly. To everyone in Sexy Zone, congratulations! It was a very moving show, which made me feel the history of your group. Thank you. It'd be nice if I can ask you about this tour. I hope you continue to do your best. Congratulations!☺️

Now that the "official" stuff with done with, time for the pranks! Nino's staking out Fuma's car again to surprise him with an interview.

Fuma: (opens the car door) What the--

Caption: It's gotta be pranks when it comes to the Extravert

Nino: (whispers) Hurry up, get in!

Fuma: Wait, what? Did you come (for the concert)?

Nino: Congratulations!
Fuma: Huh? What? Thank you! What?

Nino: Put on your seatbelt😂
Fuma: What? WHAT??

Nino: Hurry up! Everyone's waiting.

Fuma: This is scary! So you came?
Nino: I did!

Fuma: Seriously!?

Nino: Even though I was waving so hard at you!? On the contrary, seriously!?

Fuma: I can't believe it. There wasn't any hint and you didn't tell me.

Nino: I told you that I'd go!

Fuma: C'mon! I heard that you couldn't make it right up till the last minute. It's like, "You're never gonna make it." This is "I Am Shooketh 2022"!

N: Well...

F: Don't make it look like I just bombed this joke. This is my vibe after a show!

Fuma: So you watched the show?
Nino: I did!

Fuma: From the opening?
Nino: Um hmm. From Sexy⤴️Zone⤵️.

Fuma: Your pitch... What's up with your pitch?
Nino: I was watching, for real!

Fuma: Really?

T/N: Fuma looks so happy😊

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