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Dec 25, 2022, 12 tweets

TX Power 🧵1/11

Under @GovAbbott's leadership, TX has increased its electricity-generating capacity to the point where the state generates 2.76 times as much as CA. On a per capita basis, TX has about 4.01 kW capacity per person, while CA has about 1.45 kW per person.

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Under @GovAbbott's leadership, TX has grown wind power generating capacity per person to 1.07 kW compared to CA's .21 kW per person (5X more).
TX generates 31,118 megawatts of wind power while CA generates only 8,183 megawatts.

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But it is VITAL to realize that the actual power grid - called #ERCOT - is run by a board of 11 people selected by a committee of 3 people - one appointed by @GovAbbott, one by @DanPatrick, & one by @DadePhelan - the ERCOT board is now 100% independent.

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In June 2021 @GovAbbott signed Senate Bills 2 & 3 overhauling the state’s power grid after the devastating winter storm in February 2021 and the widespread power outages that followed.


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The biggest problem facing TX isn't the amount of power being generated but instead the failure of scientists to accurately project the impact of global warming on TX weather - promised warming never materialized and our grid wasn't ready for record low temps.

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Failed candidate, @BetoORourke, famously promised he would dismantle ERCOT and connect TX to the national grid. This would have been a mistake for several reasons.

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Increased complexity: Connecting ERCOT to the national power grid would likely increase the complexity of the electric system in Texas, as it would require the integration of multiple regional transmission organizations (RTOs).

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Higher costs: Connecting ERCOT to the national power grid would likely require significant investments in new transmission infrastructure, which could increase costs for consumers.

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Loss of independence: ERCOT currently operates as an independent system, which allows it to make its own decisions about how to manage the electric grid in Texas. Connecting to the national power grid could potentially reduce this independence.

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TX is also under constant attack from the EPA and NGOs to shut down power generation capacity in the state BEFORE new clean sources are up and running.

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Stay warm, have a Merry Christmas, and follow @amuse on Twitter and subscribe to his #Substack:

TX Power 🧵12/

After four decades of global warming warnings, we're facing our coldest winter here in America. When will the warming translate into warmer weather?

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