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Dec 26, 2022, 25 tweets

Chip Off The Old Block ~ Halis, the benevolent dictator, is the strongest male role model for the Korhans. He holds his position of power thru passive aggressive traits & financial strength. In his anger, he has no decorum in what he says; nor does Ferit. #YalıÇapkını /1 🧵

Orhan, the spineless son, philanders outside his marriage in his bid for control in his life, as does Ferit. Ifakat isn’t his only transgression. Family must know more for F to make this comment to Taylan. In response, he sees his mother accept it all graciously. #YalıÇapkını /2

Asuman is another bride in the house who’s silent. In general, the boys club at The Korhans thrive in their misogynistic notions. For all his talk about family, love & respect, Halis proves time and again that all of it’s conditional. He withholds love at will #YalıÇapkını /3

Depending on his mood, the daughter-in-law of his house went from being given full protection to being thrown out along with her peasant father. Kazim’s bid for respect, though crude, is laudable. He wants to protect his family honor in this mansion. #YalıÇapkını /4

Kazim wants to be regarded as a powerful man by Halis and he knows that can only happen if Seyran has a position of power in the home. His actions aren’t driven by Seyran’s happiness, but they indirectly help her find a voice. #YalıÇapkını /5

Things were going well w/ #Seyfer. Seyran’s step to kiss Ferit was well appreciated by him and their playfulness had a new depth. What prompts Ferit to chase after Pelin amidst this happiness? Habit, ego, & the need to have the last word, just like Halis. #YalıÇapkını /6

Him leaving Seyran at the restaurant like that is unforgivable. Ferit’s an impulsive guy and he’s angry that Pelo deigns to move on w/ anyone when he hasn’t fully given her ‘permission’ to do so. Only he gets to call the shots. #YalıÇapkını /7

Maybe he went there to prove to himself that she really could move on? He brings on his charm, caresses her hair, but he’s tipped into stalker territory and she rightfully says no. He doesn’t make a scene and simply walks away. #YalıÇapkını /8

At home, he unleashes his anger on Seyran b/c isn’t that the Korhan way? You will yell, scream & dominate who you can. The women will accept the men’s whims and that’s the price they pay for becoming a Korhan. #YalıÇapkını /9

In his POV, marriages are just a front. He can have his fun w/ Seyran but must have the liberty for side benefits. Under the mansion’s oppressive rules & erratic tempers, he must have an outlet. Whoever thought of having a wife who can serve that purpose as well? #YalıÇapkını /10

To protect his ego, Ferit says a lot of inapt things to Seyran. When she insinuates he didn’t have the guts to present P as his future wife, he bristles; forbids him from seeing P, he rebels; wishes she didn’t hold him back but he couldn’t even leave, he loses it #YalıÇapkını /11

This unbridled anger could be genetic or a learned behavior. Regardless, part of growing up is being able to stand behind our words & actions. Ferit, indulged by his mother/other women/family members, is spoilt & pays no real consequences #YalıÇapkını /12

Halis hits him publicly for lying but doesn’t hold him accountable for cavorting around after marriage. Then he makes himself sick worrying about Ferit’s whereabouts. He protects him when Kazim rightfully shames Ferit for dishonoring Seyran #YalıÇapkını /13

When Ferit gets these repeated free passes, what’s his incentive to change? He finally senses Seyran has crossed a line when she calmly tells him that if he’s so worried about his grandfather, he should think before he acts. #YalıÇapkını /14

When Seyran chooses to go back w/ Kazim, it stuns him and it’s almost as though he finally really sees her. He had underestimated her. She neuters his threats re: her father by being the one to walk out w/ him. #YalıÇapkını /15

And w/ her departure we see the vulnerable side of Ferit that stays hidden under his macho & stupid ways of doing things. While earlier in the day he walked calmly away when his 3 yr old GF disses him, w/ Seyran’s departure he’s destroyed. #YalıÇapkını /16

He doesn’t acknowledge how much she means to him. She’s been the catalyst for so much change in him but he reacts inordinately when he feels being controlled, esp. by a woman, not to mention a wife. #YalıÇapkını /17

And yet he betrays himself often. Beats up Taylan b/c he mocks Seyran, goes ballistic on Pelin when she starts pushing on Seyran’s past w/ Yusuf, loses himself when she kisses him, starts crying when he feels he’s losing her. #YalıÇapkını /18

Until he accepts & honors his true feelings for Seyran, he’ll keep harming their prospects. He needs to believe that loving her isn’t a shortcoming for a Korhan; on the contrary, fighting for one’s true love is the only way to heal & find happiness. #YalıÇapkını /19

He hasn’t met anyone like Seyran b4, whose self respect & self-esteem are so high that his petty threats do nothing to diminish her. She’s a brilliant & talented woman. Much as he thinks she’s lucky to become a Korhan, he’s realizing that he’s the lucky one. #YalıÇapkını /20

Seyran bowed her head to social norms until she couldn’t. She can’t continue to be humiliated esp. after she’s taken a giant step towards building a r’ship w/ Ferit. Kudos to her for establishing her boundaries & having the courage to walk when Kazim enabled it. #YalıÇapkını /21

The next move is Ferit’s. It is difficult to redeem his choices but some seeds were planted. He genuinely feels unloved & doesn’t easily believe Seyran’s love. He’s temperamental, says things in anger but doesn’t really mean them. #YalıÇapkını /22

Will he accept his mistakes and atone for them appropriately or will he continue on this self-destructive path of pushing her away whenever she gets too close? Will he choose to overcome his bad habits? #YalıÇapkını /23

Whoever thought Seyran’s character was falling by the way side while P shined, was proven wrong in one fell swoop in Ep 14. Seyran’s a tigress & I can’t wait for her to hold her own against the social and familial dysfunction in her life. #YalıÇapkını /24

#AfraSaraçoğlu & #MertRamazanDemir are absolutely electric with their timing, expressions, gestures, be it drama, comedy or angst. They are so believable as their characters, their preparation for the scenes shines through. Can’t wait for more! #YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

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