Corbyn had a vision of a more inclusive party - however he was replaced by the old guard and Starmer was installed as leader.
Marcia Hutchinson, a former Labour Councillor said:
"I faced more racism in the Labour Party than I have in the rest of my life combined."
Hutchinson who received an MBE from the Queen reveals how other members of the Labour Party were discriminated against under Starmer's Leadership.
The #LabourFiles reveal how minority staff members "are simply there for set dressing."
But when anyone raises any issues with the toxic working culture they are demoted, discipled or expelled.
Secret WhatsApp groups are set up to bully other members of the party .
The #LabourFiles shows how racism was institutionalised in the Labour Party as bullying against minority staff went unchecked and senior management figures expressed hatred for minority MPs and staff.
Even the former opposition Attorney General, #ShamiChakrabarti is discussed in a WhatsApp conversation.
General Secretary #TraceyAllen sent an ice-pick emoji mocking indicating she like her to die as Trotsky did on the order of General Secretary Stalin.
The #FordeReport reveals that Labour has a "hierarchy of racism". The #LabourFiles reveal it took two years to suspend #RodLiddle because he was chummy with backstabber #TomWatson.
Watson was secretly hostile to Corbyn and helped usher in Starmer with his allies.
Starmerite #TrevorPhillips was suspended from the Labour Party due to his racial profiling of Muslims.
Despite being a member of a minority community himself his words echoed those of the far-right and of the way his own community was described in the 70s.
#TrevorPhillips refused to apologise with his statements or cooperate. He was reinstated as a member because he obtained a job with Sky News.
Labour were more concerned getting favourable media coverage by him than by ethics or accountability.
Newham is a diverse community - Corbyn's leadership sees more people joining the party from across different communities.
The increase in membership would lead to tensions.
Starmerites complain about the party being infiltrated simply by people wanting to join the party.
"It's shocking to use the word infiltrate, it's othering".
During this time the Starmerites evict Obaid Khan from the party on "trumped up" charges.
Instead of questioning Newham's mayor why Labour members were claiming racial discrimination Labour's senior leadership blamed the victims with no investigation taking place.
Things got worse when Starmer took control.
Starmer's leadership sees a clampdown on free speech at meetings. People were banned from discussing miscarriages of justice and other items as Starmer took control.
An unpleasant and toxic atmosphere in which private details of minority members were leaked.
The #LabourFiles reveal that minority members are constantly monitored. Too much information not just on party members but on their children too. The party seemed to have tolerated police state tactics.
The party seemed to be racially profiling its members too.
The #LabourFiles reveal that as well ethnicity and culture - Labour use tropes when looking at minority members.
Refer to "people who own houses and businesses" - and accuse them of trying to "take over" the party.
The same sort of language used by antisemites.
The #LabourFiles reveal that racial profiling was used in Newham to identify "people as a problem" due to their ethnic group.
"It's like reading a far-right tract by some demented American right-winger".
But the information must have been leaked by senior figures.
Labour Party headquarters did not report a data breach despite this being a severe data breach and against Britain's strict GDPR laws.
Mirza was suspended in a dirty tricks campaign - "they can't defeat us politically" - so they break the law and lie.
In Britain people can by law demand to see their personal data that's being held by any organisation.
Labour refused to provided data - failure to do so within 90 days was itself breaking the law.
Starmer as a lawyer knows this - yet no action has been taken.
"It's utterly shaming, it's against everything the #LabourParty is supposed to believe in"
"It strongly suggests that the Labour Party's been breaking the law"
"They denied democracy"
#MarciaHutchinson was accused of racism when she backed a candidate against #TinaHewitson. Both Tina and Marcia are black.
According to Marcia "I think they see authentic black people as poor and inarticulate" if you don't fit the stereotype you can be ignored.
The #LabourFiles include the grievance letter of another senior black woman in the party after Starmer becomes leader in 2020 her career stalls.
It shows how despite her experience she is sidelined, overlooked for promotion and effectively demoted with a reduced salary.
The #FordReport revealed the Hierarchy of racism in the Labour Party. The #LabourFiles show how this operated in practice, Halima Khan was suspended for opening a file she had written herself after some info was leaked to the press - in the absence of proof this was the pretext
In the wake of the #BLM protests - the statue of a slave trader was torn down.
The #LabourFiles reveal that Black members of staff wrote to the Labour leadership saying "we need to be listened to".
Instead Starmer's top priority was to condemn the tearing down of the statue.
#HalimaKhan was chair of the BAME staff network at the time yet she hadn't been told of the "Black Community engagement plan". She's not surprised as the network would not have been impressed with the language used especially describing #BLM as a 'culture war'.
The Black engagement plan is more about electoral strategy than Black Lives Matter. The involvement of BAME staff is described as "window dressing" - there's nothing in the document about improving lives of these communities or engaging them in a meaningful way.
Labour are trying to find a position trying that appeals to a Liberal voter as well as a red wall voter.
It is described as the battle for "bigoted white votes" between the Labour and Conservative parties.
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