Abir Ballan Profile picture
Masters in Public Health| Psychology & Inclusive Education | Children’s Author| Freedom. Responsibility. Subsidiarity| Children First

Dec 27, 2022, 20 tweets

Many are blaming the current coup on humanity on concentrated power and centralisation. So what does a decentralised response look like?
Each individual, each grassroots organisation, each doctor, each lawyer, each teacher.... take on the responsibility to respond.

We each have the power to create change.
We each have our sphere of influence.
We are the citizens of the world. We have great potential. We can build a movement for a better world. 2/

Here's a challenge by Prof Michaela Schippers- Professor of Behaviour and Performance Management- Rotterdam School Of Management - Erasmus University 3/ @mc_schippers

Write two letters:
[Address them to yourself]
1) ‘what does the future look like when current events continue unchanged?’ 4/
Image by @bobscartoons

Try to reflect on these items in your writing 5/

2) ‘what is the ideal future when you can determine yourself what it will look like?’ [NOT @ProfKlausSchwab or the @wef or @WHO or @BillGates ...] 6/
image by @bobscartoons

"Close your eyes and think about the ideal future you wish for the world when there are no obstacles. Define some goals for yourself and/or the world."
Make a list of the things that bother you and that you would like to see changed. 7/

Take the ‘Great Citizens pledge’ is "a personal statement that describes what you will do in the upcoming time to make the world a better place and to get closer towards the ideal world you have in mind." 8/

Read the Great Citizen Declaration
Moving from hierarchy to more bottom-up synergy
and direct democracy

We deserve a world where our core values are honoured Freedom

We deserve a world where our human needs are met

We deserve a world where our human rights are upheld:
- to live
- to pursue purpose, goals and happiness
- to be fairly treated
- to be a free and sovereign person
- to choose freely a religion
- to have the right of freedom of speech

We deserve a world where we have agency to determine our future.
"Holacracy refers to a way of organizing characterized by radical decentralization of authority, distributed decision making and a lack of hierarchy."

Now my thoughts
Think of the response as a healing process...
1) heal yourself & your family
Deal with any personal issues that block you
Build win-win relationships with your family members and friends
Take actions to improve your health & wellbeing and that of your family

2) Heal your community
Determine your strengths- How can you contribute to society given your skill set and the resources available to you? Trust that every contribution matters!!!


Here are some ideas...
Join grassroots groups aligned with your mission in life
Reconnect with people
Cut out the SMALL TALK and do some BIG TALK with your friends and colleagues at work
Participate in local committees
Be part of the parent board in your kids school ...


3) Heal your country & your world
Participate in political life (This is not the business of politicians. The future of our children is our business.)
Do your homework before you elect a representative
then hold them accountable if they fail to meet your expectations.

Great things happened in history when individuals believed in their power to make a difference.


Check out this campaign by @PanData19 lead by Sinead Stringer @Tallpoppyassoc, art work by @NickyRussell3

Share some of the #THiNKTWICE Memes
(post them or use them as replies) 20/
@Tallpoppyassoc @PeopleReaching

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