Luis León 💔🧔🌳🦠😷🌬🚸🏫☠️ Cárdenas Graide 🤔 #⧖ Profile picture
Skeptic, Software Eng UChile #CyberSecurity #DataScience #FLOSS #ClimateAction #CovidIsAirborne #XR A38% @a_esceptica bGFpY29zLm5vZG90c2FtQG5pZXRzb2hjdUwK

Dec 30, 2022, 6 tweets

"What can be done with medical doctors who don't learn about effective covid prevention and long covid treatment?" #ChatGPT @OpenAI

"Why authorities have let it rip with covid infections?" #ChatGPT @OpenAI #Covid19

"How harmful are covid minimizers?" #ChatGPT @OpenAI #Covid19

"Explain how to prevent covid infection managing aerosols" #ChatGPT @OpenAI #Covid19

@OpenAI "What do you think about the #las7capas proposal by Desinflámate NGO to prevent Covid-19 infection?" #ChatGPT @OpenAI #Covid19 @ongdesinflamate @AIREyVIDA2021

Le falta aprender que la principal forma de contagio no es por contacto, por lo que la higiene de manos es secundaria.

Falta Educación y Vacunación

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