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Dec 30, 2022, 14 tweets

The Syrian Democratic Forces (#SDF) announce that it busted large number of #ISIS terror cells in the towns of Tal Hamis and Al-Hawl and captured 52 terrorists during the “Al-Jazeera Thunderbolt” campaign.

Anti-ISIS cleansing operation in Hawl and Tal Hamis

Today, the #SDF announced that they had captured 32 ISIS terrorists in the western countryside of Tal Hamis district, brining the numbers to 84 terrorists arrested in the last days.

SDF Press: Our forces hunted three terrorists who fled from their hideouts towards civilian homes east of the town of Tell Brak, where they were expelled by the residents and refused to shelter them. They were arrested by the forces, with support of locals.

SDF Press: During the security checks on the third day of the operation, the joint forces seized unauthorized military uniforms and other similar ones that were used by terrorist cells as camouflage.

ISIS-Terror cleansing operation continue on day 3

“Al-Jazeera Thunderbolt” campaign

“Al-Jazeera Thunderbolt” campaign

ISIS terrorists have nowhere to hide... #SDF press announce they have captured 40 terrorists in a sequel to the outcome of the third day and the morning of the fourth day

“Al-Jazeera Thunderbolt” campaign on its fourth day

The clans of Tel-Brak district of Qamişlo canton praised the #SDF, and affirmed their support for their security and military forces that "protected the region from the occupiers and terrorist mercenaries and achieved security and safety."

“Al-Jazeera Thunderbolt”

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