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Dr in History - Syria - Mostly Military News (& related) - Fact Checking. Captagon in MENA. To be turned into an archive account.

Jan 1, 2023, 18 tweets

Over 235 million Captagon pills were seized in MENA in 2022, an absolute record. Over 90% of seizures done by 4 countries (3 of them bordering #Syria):
- #KSA: 108 M
- Jordan: 54.5 M
- Iraq: 31 M
- Turkey: 21.3 M
$ billions that won't finance Assad's Regime.

#Jordan did a first, modest, Captagon seizure this year. Jordanian forces raided a location in an area bordering #Syria & found around 100,000 pills. 3 arrested.

#KSA made the first major Captagon seizure of the year. Over 3 million pills, hidden in a secret cavity inside a truck, were confiscated. 3 arrested.

Jordan stopped last night the first significant attempt of the year by pro-Assad cartels to smuggle drugs from #Syria. Jordanian Army seized 1.1 million Captagon pills, 4,049 Hashish packs & ammo. New Lamborghini logo predominant (instead of Lexus symbol).

#KSA seized yesterday a "mountain" of Captagon in Dammam port. Nearly 3 million pills were seized, hidden in wooden planks.

This week Turkish authorities seized 193,000 Captagon pills in a car in Hassa district, Hatay province. Driver was arrested. All packs marked "LX" (for Lexus).

#Syria: Rebels seized 15,000+ Captagon pills & a large quantity of Hashish packs at Deir Baliut crossing. Drugs were hidden in a car coming from N. #Aleppo.

Regularly caught in Jordan, pro-Assad drug cartels tried this week to reach Israel, coming from W. Quneitra province. 2 arrested. 21 kg of Hashish seized, packed in coffee bags (shipped to Latakia) those cartels usually use to smuggle Captagon into Jordan.

Turkish authorities launched several raids end of January in area of Istanbul. They seized, among other drugs, 483,000 Captagon pills.

Jordan seized today 400,000 Captagon pills hidden in 5 bags buried in an empty field near the Capital.

Last night pro-Assad cartels tried to smuggle more drugs into Jordan. They were spotted and left behind, after a firefight with Jordanian border guards, 197,000 Captagon pills as well as 181 Hashish packs.

#Iraq|i authorities caught yesterday a man with 720,000 Captagon pills in Al-Qaim, on border with #Syria. It's so far the biggest Captagon seizure this year in the country.

2 major seizures of #Syrian Captagon in the Gulf this week:
- #KSA confiscated nearly 5 million Captagon pills hidden in cables & arrested one in Riyad
- UAE seized 4.5 million pills in canned food, one arrested

Over 2 million Captagon pills were seized in Haditha port (#KSA), hidden in a shipment of tomatoes. Using fake fruits is one of pro-Assad cartels' favourite ways to smuggle Captagon in MENA.

Lebanon seized 160,000 Captagon pills in a machine bound to Africa. A Syrian arrested. A truck w/ 800,000 pills also seized & 2nd Syrian caught. Both happened in Bekaa, Hezbollah stronghold. Same logo than found in Jordan: mark of Assad-Hezbollah cartels.

Jordan in a nutshell. On one hand seeking normalization with Assad & on the other hand officially requesting US military help to counter pro-Iran/Assad cartels flowing Jordan with endless amounts of Captagon/drugs.

Iraqi Customs seized over 3 million Captagon pills hidden in an apple shipment coming from AbuKemal crossing, under Assad & IRGC control. Packs have usual L-shaped logo but more surprisingly some bear Communist symbol.

#KSA seized nearly 4.7 million Captagon pills in Jeddah Port. Drugs were hidden in a shipment of sanitary ware. A Jordanian was arrested.

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