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Building @UGCpro_ // Forbes Business Council 2024 // 4x Startup Founder and Unreal Engine Developer

Jan 1, 2023, 66 tweets

Want to know the secrets to building something impactful in 2023?

I talked to 100+ experts across a variety of fields, including web3, machine learning, SaaS, venture capital and the creator economy.

You won't want to miss this advice 👇#web3 #ai #vc…

"Focus on what your core values are and lead from there. Make sure your actions align with what you are sharing and talking about when everyone is watching and no one at all." @shiralazar

"Get to market, talk to your users, & iterate quickly; the pace of decision making is more important than the accuracy of decision making. This is the only way to fully understand customers’ problems and whether the product meets their needs." @j_austincain

"Go back to basics. In a scrappy, grounded funding environment, product trumps the subsidization of scale. Focus on fundamentals and leveraging emergent technology to inform product development." @chriscantino

"By leveraging the power of technology to facilitate direct and transparent interactions, we can work towards creating a more equitable & sustainable future for all." @Majestique_eth

"To build something that matters, I think you have to care deeply about something and immerse yourself in it. Then you can find gaps and problems. If you're the kind of person who loves to build and fix problems, then the combination of passion and insight is so powerful."@dlauer

"I used to want to start a company for the sake of starting a company but those never worked out. the ones that ended up working out were the ones where i personally cared about everything because i was doing it for myself and not some external reason." @richerd

"If you can get 10 people to pay for something, you are on the right track. It really is that simple." @ricburton

"Build something that will fundamentally make you happier, healthier, and more peaceful. Turn that into a product for everyone else." @ryantakesoff

"By sharing experiences irl and url, something that inspires our communities and impulses the creative collaboration between the builders of our shared realities. Something that nurtures imagination and connects to our true values, meeting on the bridge of our needs" @uhCaribe

"You won’t build something that matters in 2023, but you can start it. In fact if your goal is to build something that matters but you limit your time horizon to a year, you will never ever build what matters." @ohhshiny

"Start by finding a problem that speaks to your soul and do your research to understand all the different ways it can be solved." @StackieRobins0n

"The answer is simple. Bring a problem to the table that if solved will positivity impact the lives of many, in a substantial way." @mecdot

"Focus on assembling a solid community when building some thing that matters. Instead of going viral, focus on nourishing a small but mighty niche community. Concentrate on your mission and you’ll attract the unique individuals you seek to bring your vision to life." @UGCsocial

"2023 is going to present enormous opportunities for those who can balance building to survive the bear... and reaching for a more inclusive version of web3... Focus on the commonality between the two where you can, and the latter where opportunity allows!" @chrismaddern

"’ve got to first build something that matters to you. Does what you build solve something important in your life? Will you use it all the time and try to improve it? If you can accomplish that, you will align personal passion into creating something wonderful." @ericbahn

"You build something that matters by listening to your customers. They will always steer you in the right direction. You just have to be humble enough to listen & gritty enough to iterate as needed." @erica_wenger

"Have to write a constitution just to do what I do

I’m a one man institution, never faded the booth

I’m just speakin my truth

Imagine everybody got it made

Don’t need letter grades when you renegade, click bait"


"Web3 projects that matter lean into... 2 extremes of invention: pragmatism or fantasy. If practical, address an issue responsibly, attack costs & serve the neglected. If fantastical, don't build new worlds, build an alternate universe... Tokenize everything." @JohnBelitsky

"So you'd start with identifying a problem that you think you can solve. And once you've identified that - you need to research and develop a plan to bring the idea to life. It requires a combination of passion, focus, planning, and persistence." @JenkM8

"1. Find something that is:
→ Popular
→ Profitable
→ Your passionate about

2. Share the progress of discovery online

3. Get constant feedback to make it as valuable as possible"


"First and foremost, make sure it really matters to you. Nurture the process of creation by staying focused on the work. Execute, and the rest will follow." @Julie_Pacino

"Building what matters? Build with intention. Know not everyone will see the vision at first, but know those who need it/resonate with it will get it the first time. Don’t lose hope and keep your heart in it." @DoctorJonPaul

"You build what feels right to you, that can largely be a significant contribution for everyone!" @justinaversano

"Decide and declare (in public) what matters to you then surround yourself with people who share that same belief." @_katherholt

"By creating useful products. Understanding customer needs and pain points. Useful products are painkillers. They elevate a customers experience to the point where they couldn’t imagine living without them." @austin_hurwitz

"When building anything that matters, it is about solving a real problem. Carefully craft an approach that makes sense and solve it in the simplest way you can. If you solve a real problem in an elegant way, it will matter for those who suffer from the problem." @dcp_leo

"I have to remember that I matter, and I've been struggling with that. It's important to remember to build ourselves up, first. Then... building bridges." @theKimansta 💙

"Consider your audience and where they will be when what you're creating will come to market. Also, there are huge technological breakthroughs happening, don't neglect them, they can help you gain an edge." @CameronVanHoy

"Know what future you believe is worth building.

Then figure out what’s not already being done to make that future a reality.

Of all that’s not being done, figure out what suits your passions + superpowers most.

Then commit to doing that." @garysheng

"In 2023 I build because family is worth fighting for. Family are the ones we build with, the hold us up when timers get hard and they push us to better." @blk_exc

"By understanding what you care about most, your purpose, and integrating them into what you are creating." @camachoangg

"You build something that matters in 2023 by finding the intersection of things you're obsessed about that other people find interesting. That intersection is where all the magic happens for everyone involved." @Ayotheauthor

"In 2023, split your time to take care of yourself while building. Don't feel pressured to go all in. Thats a luxury few can afford. What you do to pay the bills doesn't reflect what you are building for the future." @CaponDesign

"In times like these, if you want to build something that really matters, you have to make sure even your failures will be useful in some way. That they’ll leave a foundation, or inspire future attempts." @VaushV

"Build something you would pay for and use if someone else made it (and read How to Start a Startup by Paul Graham)" @mckaywrigley

"Focus on building something that delights a small group of people who believe in you and your purpose. When you are close to your circle, you’re empowered to experiment without fear of failure, learning and iterating to identify a product market fit." @PatrickWorkman

"Aim to work as a diverse team where different lived experiences and mindsets can help shape a more inclusive future and a stronger community. Hype is usually momentary, but true connections will help carry you to longterm success." @ScoopsParade

"1. find a problem that everyone deals with, then invent a creative solution that hasn’t been tried before


2. find someone who thinks they did #1 and build with them." @scott_lew_is

"To build something meaningful in 2023, understand the perspectives of all involved with different roles, with those who share the same values and are passionate, communicate openly and transparently, and seek feedback. Experiment but stay genuine and authentic." @TropixOfficial

"Start with the big picture of what's most important to you. Reverse engineer how to get there. Break down the end result into milestones. Then break up those milestones into small steps that can be taken every day..." @REDROMINA

"start with the art. i think sometimes we get caught up trying to plan everything else and we forget that the art matters the most." @terrelldom

"The best way is to CO-CREATE PUBLICLY" @thestephanielau

"Find a bleeding edge and build your house just right on top of it. Bring a pie to the folks next door, and try not to cut yourself or fall off into space. Soon the edge will have moved far away, and you’ll have a neighborhood." @0xach

"Tap deeper into your community and better understand their desires and needs. If you don't have a robust community it's time to build one, and if you have one, it's time to be inspired by them to build your next thing." @NealSchaffer

"Self awareness and inclusivity are key for building anything that matters in 2023. Self awareness allows you to know what you can and cannot deliver and inclusivity matters. This space can feel lonely and exclusive and that's not a vibe I am here for in 2023." @RAnSacks

" Create something you love for yourself, and be open to taking the risk of introducing it to the world. Rejection is okay, b/c in the end, you made it as an overflow of your heart's passion." @sh3k1n4h

"To build something that matters you must embody quality in everything you do." @noahzender

"I mix those ingredients reciting the magic words: community-utility-value..." @poormarty_

"Allow healthy criticism and collaboration, as well as adopt new tools like Virtual intelligence. Use everything to your advantage, and seek a mentor that is doing what you want to do! Lastly, enjoy the process, have fun, and dream BIG!" @PhenomenalMark

"The path to build something meaningful was simply to become more me, underneath the layers of ego and hype, just being more me." @_Daniel_Ospina

"If you witness or have experienced the struggles of something, without your invention/product, keep building. Knowing theirs an impact and being completely dedicated can allow your mission to succeed." @brianfemminella

"What's apparent is that businesses' need to evolve and remain competitive in a landscape that is quickly antiquating institutional business models/structures focused exclusively on growth." @cameronmoulene

"We did it by talking to every user we onboarded for the first year. I personally did hundreds of research and onboarding calls, then fine tuned our product to match their needs (defined by activated + paid rate)." @frantzfries

"Building something that matters has three necessities, a solid foundation, it provides real world solutions & value & its sustainably scalable. Moreover operations must be honest & transparent." @BleuFriday

"The first thing is to have a project with heart that has an identified audience. If you havent identified your audience then you’re just making a project for yourself which is fine but there’s a chance that not many people will see it or care when they do see it." @PooleWilliam5

"Building something that matters in 2023 starts with being passionate enough to see the good in an industry even when it's marred with bad, to see the potential even when things look bleak, and to go the extra mile even when it seems pointless." @brycent_

"How to build something that matters in 2023? I’d say that you need to find something worth disrupting, and the right way to disrupt it. In Web3 sense, usually that means some sort of decentralization of a Web2 institution." @AFilmByHammer

"I want to build a legacy through my film projects; that inspire or help people relate and overcome. I also want to make a difference in the entertainment industry through film and music in web3." @KellyPantaleoni

"Just focusing on getting that done is all that matters - the rest will take care of itself." @zkmattwyatt

"Building something that matters in 2023 means building a narrative with strength and purpose. I believe that we need to pour emotional energy into stories that compel change. That means taking the time to map vision and build personas with a crescendo of intrigue." @TheNFTease

"Start with what’s true. Building something that matters is to amplify, deepen, or cultivate that notion. If it comes from a place of truth, it will always matter." @newherexyz

"Pre-plan the exact route you will take.
Know ahead of time you’ll be forced to adjust that route often, no matter how thorough your plan.
Learn to enjoy the anxiousness of trying to “do”.
Remember it isn’t about YOU it’s about the idea." @JordanGarlandMI

"I think in order to build something that matters, in any year, you must be both passionate & knowledgeable about the areas that you’re building in." @iamadamwright

"Building a money making machine isn't going to matter when we keep killing each other." @Amy_Ouzoonian 💙 (agreed)

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