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Jan 4, 2023, 12 tweets

🔴 Rishi Sunak has vowed to tackle voter "apprehension" about Britain's future as he prepares to deliver his first major domestic speech of 2023.
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🔴 The Prime Minister will today use an address at 2pm to set out his big picture vision for the country, including a pledge to require all pupils to study some form of maths until the age of 18…

🔴 The address comes as the nation faces a number of significant challenges, with strikes on the railways grinding the country to a halt this week and growing concerns over the state of the NHS as it battles through a winter crisis

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🔴 Rishi Sunak promises strikes update within days

Rishi Sunak started his speech by immediately referencing the NHS winter crisis and public sector strike action.…

🔴 Rishi Sunak pledges to halve inflation this year

The PM has announced five new promises he is making to voters, including a pledge to halve inflation this year.
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🔴 PM says UK must 'strive for excellence' to 'build a better future'

Rishi Sunak said he wants to tackle the "creeping acceptance of a narrative of decline".…

🔴 Rishi Sunak promises crackdown on anti-social behaviour

Turning to tackling crime, Mr Sunak said that "by this spring we will have an extra 20,000 police officers" in place.…

🔴 Turning to education, Rishi Sunak said the UK needs to "reimagine our approach to numeracy" as he announced his plan to require all pupils to study maths up to the age of 18.…

🔴 PM plans to cut taxes 'as soon as we are able to'
Rishi Sunak was asked if he intends to reduce the nation's tax burden at the Spring Budget but he refused to be drawn…

🔵Rishi Sunak has used his New Year big vision speech to name five “promises” that he wants his premiership to be judged against.

So what are they and what are the chances, looking ahead, that they can be achieved?…

✍️'This is the year where that redefinition of Conservative Government must be successfully completed. Because if it isn’t, Jim Callaghan’s fate awaits Rishi Sunak,' writes @MrTCHarris.

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