Jessica | Biomedicine, CHP. Profile picture
I help you identify, fix and overcome Mold Illness. Lover of peptides and bioregulators. Board certified. Take the first step ↓ #BTC

Jan 4, 2023, 20 tweets

Red Light Therapy is the GOAT.

In this thread I’ll go into detail about:

- The KEY mechanism of Red Light Therapy.
- How you can incorporate Red Light Therapy into your life.
- Where to find the best Red Light Therapy devices.


Most of us have cells that only work at a <30% capacity due to sluggish mitochondria.

Red Light Therapy reawakens your cells by transferring photons of light energy from the 625-740 nm spectrum to your mitochondria.

Higher capacity cells = more energy for you.

Think of it in a simplistic manner.

Plants use photons of light energy to grow.

We can use them to regenerate and heal.


Red Light Therapy is the biotech that creates bionic humans.

Red Light Therapy permeates to the capillary level.

Red blood cells become super-charged!

The number one mechanism of Red Light Therapy is an increase in energy output (adenosine triphosphate) from the mitochondria.

Remember this if you remember anything.

The 3 Sequential Steps of Red Light Therapy’s key mechanism.

A detailed infographic for you!

Healing is best achieved with the lightest touch (no pun intended, haha).

Light = life.

More light = greater life force.

There are many ways you can incorporate Red Light Therapy into your life:

⁃ Your beauty routine.
⁃ Your meditation time.
⁃ If you already have a traditional sauna, you can take a panel inside!
⁃ Post workouts.
⁃ As part of your hair loss or growth stack.

The benefits of Red Light Therapy are endless.

Fundamentally, RLT works synergistically with the body to heal and regenerate.

The increased energy output happens in every cell, in every tissue and every organ.

Red Light Therapy is systemic.

Many devices to suit your needs.

I ❤️ Red Light Therapy.

Clearlight Sauna:


If you’re in Dubai (like myself) you can go to in Dubai Marina for the latest biotech.

First image in the thread is from here!

Infrared Sauna and Cold Plunge in

Dubai Marina.

Red Light Therapy bed at

Dubai Marina.

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Link in bio.

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