Sulaiman Ahmed Profile picture
Journalist, Geo-Politics, MA Philosophy, PGCE Mathematics, LLB Law

Jan 7, 2023, 15 tweets

Vice and Andrew Tate

Vice produced a Hit-Piece on the Tate brothers.

In this Hit they claim that Andrew Tate chocked a woman and raped one.

They allege that the UK police’s delays caused the CPS to drop the investigation.

Let’s see the veracity of the claims. /1


There were long delays, it took 4 years for the case to go to the CPS, who review evidence and decide merit.

Delays are hard for victims but also for the innocent who is accused. The police accept there were delays.

Did this impact the case?… image /2

The police said ‘we acknowledge there were some delays to the investigations… “The case was only closed in late 2019 after a case file had been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service and they took the decision not to prosecute.”

So the CPS decided not to prosecute but why? /3

“We carefully reviewed all the evidence provided by the police regarding each complainant and concluded it did not meet our legal test, and there was no realistic prospect of a conviction.”

“We sent a letter to each complainant explaining our decision not to charge.” /4

So the evidence was too weak. They knew they couldn’t convict.

Why didn’t the girls provide the letter showing why the CPS dropped the case?

The girls let slip the reason why the CPS dropped the case. /5

It was confirmed by the Girls and Tate that the police found messages where they schemed to lie.

Tate was lucky they sent voice notes which the police found.

This would be their downfall.

Tate was fortunate the police took the girl’s phones and found this evidence. /6

So what actual happened? If this is the same girl mentioned by Tate, he explains that there was a disagreement, he threw her out and she called the police

He had 9 witnesses and text message proof

The Girls deleted the voice notes

You can see why the CPS dropped the case. /7

Allegations are weak. But let’s see.

In this incident she works for Tate the FIRST time, and he randomly punches her in the FIRST instance.

She goes to the bathroom, she comes out and they immediately have sex.

This is a wild story and it makes no sense whatsoever. /8

Tate would randomly go to the women and strangle them. Usually no reason just did it. This sounds unusual and illogical.

If this was his usual practice, after all these years there should be a plethora of women claiming he was a choker or hit them.

Why hasn’t this happened? /9

In the West, Women think its fine to accuse & disregard due process because they have no danger of being accused but would you want your brother or son accused in this way?

Is your concern for justice or for feminism, which is just the latest way to exploit women. /10

Also the idea that 98% of rape accusations SHOULD result in a prosecution assumes women are incapable of lying but men are capable of heinous crimes such as rape.

That's what feminism means by 'equality'. /11

Vice’s Hit-Piece like Twitter ‘Journalism’ is bias. A Twitter thread by a vice reporter makes no mention of the above and instead quotes the women’s claim that CPS mishandled the case. False.

Vice also make it seem like the delay caused the case to be dropped. False /12

VICE then edit/chop and reuse clips to falsify reactions to try to make Tate look frustrated.

But when exposed they removed the video from YouTube. /13

In their Hit-Piece they make it looks like Andrew Tate left UK due to rape allegations. This is not true.

He explains in this video that he believes that the #metoo movement has gotten out of hand and that Men can be accused without evidence.… /14

This Hit-Piece by Vice was agenda driven. It was a bad decision by Tate to allow them access and this was highlighted by Tristan who was against it.

But in my view, analysing the information, the story of these women and the Vice Hit-Piece fails.


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