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A public transit advocacy group. We're transit users who want better public transit in Toronto. Not affiliated with @TTChelps. #KeepTransitMoving

Jan 9, 2023, 9 tweets

With upcoming service cuts, you could be waiting up to 30 minutes for the 57 Midland Bus! New crowding standards could mean more crowded buses and longer wait times for riders /1

57 rider Ryan Wong uses the bus to get to popular food places and essential shopping trips. He says "Even before the latest service cuts, I have found myself taking alternatives because the Midland bus was already so infrequent" /2

Potential cuts under the new crowding standard could mean that Midland bus service could be reduced from every 22 minutes to every 30 minutes in the late evening /3

The TTC plans service based on an average loading of 35 people per bus anytime outside rush hours. But the TTC is planning to increase the average off-peak load to 45 people. Your bus will come less often, and it will be more crowded /4

For example, let's say if the 57 Midland bus carries 90 people every hour. Service on the 57 Midland has already been cut recently. Starting January 8, service in the late evening will be reduced from every 17 to every 22 minutes

Under the new service standard, TTC would plan for 2 buses every hour instead of 3. Your bus would come less frequently and it will be more crowded, if planned TTC cuts and changes to the off-peak service standard get approved. More people will be taking fewer buses.

Buses will come less often if service is planned for 45 people per bus instead of 35. Cuts to off peak service will affect shift workers, women, and low-income and racialized riders the most, who travel more outside rush hour, according to TTC data. /7

Under the Family of Services program, thousands of Wheel-Trans users will lose full door-to-door rides.

More crowded buses, streetcars and subways will make the conventional TTC less accessible because there will be less space to board and navigate using mobility devices. /8

Speak out against TTC cuts to bus, streetcar, and subway service across the city by signing our petition! /9

#topoli #torontotransit #ttcriders #scarborough

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