Lesbiandrea • Jurassic June 2024 Profile picture
| 32-bit Lesbian with Autism, ADHD and more... | CEO of loving Jurassic Park III | Pronouns: she/they | we/us | Current hyper-fixation: The girl reading this.

Jan 9, 2023, 9 tweets

This will be our thread for D4DJ All Mix, the second season of the D4DJ anime series.

#D4DJ_AllMix 01

SANZIGEN remain the undefeated masters of 3DCGI anime facial expression. There's no emotion they can't convey perfectly. #D4DJ_AllMix 01

And yes, we are aware that this is done partially through 2D animated faces. That's why it works so well. #D4DJ_AllMix 01

We would swat a man dead like a fly for this woman.

Do we mean Aoi or Tsunko? Yes. 💙 #D4DJ_AllMix 01

This first episode was a great introduction to the four members of Lyrical Lily, who were the only ones left of the six starting units to not get in on the anime.

Episode itself was mostly set-up, but fun. #D4DJ_AllMix 01

So, let's answer the question we know many are wondering about.

Are Hayate and Kokoa, the girls that are canonically dating and have kissed in-game, in this anime?

Not yet, but with reason. #D4DJ_AllMix 01

This first episode took place right after new years, Hayate and Kokoa don't start attending Arisugawa Academy until April.

It seems each episode might be one month across a year, so they will appear in episode 4 at the earliest. #D4DJ_AllMix 01

Here's the good news. The two are dating *before* they start high school, so once we see them they will already be a couple! #D4DJ_AllMix 01

But yeah, fun first episode. Enjoyed it a lot. If you liked the first season you'll like this too, if you didn't... well, probably not. #D4DJ_AllMix 01

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