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Jan 9, 2023, 7 tweets

#BREAKING UN chief urges 'massive investments' for Pakistan flood recovery, adding that the country is a victim of 'morally bankrupt global financial system'

Floods in Pakistan.

#AFPGraphics map of floods in Pakistan in July and August 2022, with figures on the extent of damage as well as their impact in the country

#UPDATE UN chief calls for "massive investments" to help Pakistan recover from last year's devastating floods, saying the country was "doubly victimised" by climate change and a "morally bankrupt global financial system"

#UPDATE UN chief Antonio Guterress called on Monday for "massive investments" to help Pakistan recover from last year's devastating floods and better resist climate change, as financial pledges poured in


#BREAKING Pakistan says has received pledges of over $9 billion for flood recovery

Pakistan received pledges of more than $9 billion on Monday to help the country recover from last year's catastrophic floods and improve its resilience to the ravages of climate change.


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