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#Cancer #PatientAdvocate | Healthcare Navigating Solutionist | De-Frictionizer | ⬇️ Patient Administrative Burden | #Techquity | co-founder @UnblockHealth

Jan 9, 2023, 9 tweets

#MondayMorning 🧵

Too many stakeholders are missing the point of the #InformationBlockingRules and patient's having access to THEIR health information.

For the record:
👉It's not only about access for access sake. It's not just about seeing a result. 👀

2) 👉It's about access for ACTION's sake. 🚀

3) Ability to strategically operationalize when you have
✅chronic illness
✅life-altering, life-limiting condition
makes all the difference in
👉care coordination
👉access to community supports
👉access to research

4) 🚨All patients should have the right to chose when they see/read/receive results and these conversations should be happening proactively at point of care PRIOR to results hitting the portal.

5) 🚨 All patients should be equipped with tools, technology, and tech-enabled human touch to understand the power of their records.

6) Life with a diagnosis doesn't abide by business hours. Patient access to their health information can't be restricted to business hours or only when a doctor will see you.

7) Access to OUR health information can mean the difference between life and death.

Access helps US do the work we need to do to get the care we need when there isn't a doctor or nurse in sight.

Access helps US hack the fragmentation that is US health care.

8) Our Right of Access needs to be better supported, not continually lobbied against.

9) Thanks to @_BenLeonard_ @politico for not shying away from what's become an unnecessarily polarized subject and for taking the time to consider the patient and carepartner perspective in his latest piece


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