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Brazen Hussy

Jan 9, 2023, 33 tweets

In #SparebyPrinceHarry, he shared that Charles didn't want to pay for Meghan's food and clothing as a working royal because, apparently, they "do not have £ to spare," 👁👄👁 and we found RECEIPTS to confirm this revelation. Watch this space: 🧵

After combing through ALL the publicly available financial statements from the Palace, it was jarring to see how much abuse #MeghanMarkle had put up with because the royal spending went up just 1.79% the year she joined the family. To put that into context, we are looking at £89K

But perhaps what is more infuriating is that her cookbook initiative has raised more capital for the local community & the royal foundation than the increase in royal funding allocated for her and her husband in 2019. In 2018 alone, they sold over 130k copies 🌎...

Moreover, her collaboration with Smart Works, a charity that empowers disadvantaged women with the right tools and clothes to get back into the workplace, has generated enough donations to stock their wardrobes across the UK for a year.…

So why are these numbers important to note? Because they paint a sharp contrast between #MeghanMarkle’s philanthropic capability and how her in-laws have treated her when distributing financial resources for the things she needed in her new work environment and public role.

Mind you, #MeghanMarkle was making $50,000 per episode on #Suits where she appeared in 7 seasons in 108 episodes, not to mention the other SAG-AFTRA residuals and brand deals she received. ALL THIS, PRIOR to meeting Harry!

Yet, throughout her 1st pregnancy between 2018 and 2019, #MeghanMarkle was attacked DAILY for the tabloid spin and false narratives that she had spent millions of British taxpayers' £ on upgrading her lifestyle when in fact, she was buying cheap and used furniture with her own 💳

Upon further review, those “new items" in her wardrobe? Many of them came from her own collection that predates her wedding. #MeghanMarkle fans have been documenting her styles for years, yet the British Press keep inflating their actual prices to make baseless accusations.

And for her to ship her furniture from her house in Toronto to that converted servant's quarter in Windsor? I guess one can say that she's our generation's Million Dollar American Princess. She's the one that brought meaningful capital to the family. @rebecca_sussex @ddarveyy

The British monarchy certainly has a different approach when it comes to managing its wealth, which, btw, is built on the slave trade. Covering up for a nonce? Here's £12 million and counting, providing stipends and wages for the spare's wife who's working for the family? Nada.

With all these in mind, one couldn't help but wonder, was this a plot to trap the spare and his spouse and keep them confined in the gilded cage by starving them and forcing the breadwinner to drain her life savings? @Jasamgurlie @notcapnamerica @Phil_Lewis_ @keyon @SaintHoax

@KaiseratCB @celebitchy Are they cash-poor, continuously hiding their assets overseas, and hoping to make more off #MeghanMarkIe's back? I guess we'd never know.…

For more information and details, see the original documents below:
a) The Royal Foundation's Report and Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31 December 2018:…

b) The Royal Foundation's Report and Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31 December 2019:…

c) The Royal Foundation's Report and Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31 December 2020:…

d) The Royal Foundation's Report and Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31 December 2021:…

e) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2013:…

f) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2014:…

g) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2015:…

h) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2016:…

i) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2017:…

j) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2018:…

k) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2019:…

l) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2020:…

m) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2021:…

n) The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall's Annual Review 2022:…

o) Smart Works Annual Report 2019/20 on pg 15, 18, 29:…

p) on Page 320 of his memoir, Pince Harry's words are heartbreaking to read:

q) on Page 345 of his memoir #Spare, Prince Harry once again mentions that his wife has gone out of her way to use her own money to treat the palace staff members that were overworked and underpaid. However, she remains to be framed as a "bully" through malicious rumors.

r) #MeghanMarkIe is better than me because Harry's financial situation as a bachelor is giving BROKE energy, as seen here in #SparebyPrinceHarry, on page 251. Buddy probably didn't even have a Tesco or @TKMaxx_UK loyalty membership. A poor veteran locked in a gilded cage. Geez.

s) As seen on page 250, the dude didn’t even have a proper dryer. 🫢#Spare #SparebyPrinceHarry #PrinceHarrySpare #PrinceHarry

u) Page 390 of #Spare. #PrinceHarryfinally comes to terms with the recognization that his blood family intends to use financial resources and security measures as cohesion tools to trap him back into the folds and further perpetuate the abuse towards him, Meg, and his children.

v) Page 382-387 of #Spare. The royal family broke their promise and withdrew the security measures for #PrinceHarry & #MeghanMarkle when threats were at an all-time high in 2020. They were determined to hang the #Spare and his family out to dry. They want them dead or returned.

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