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Jan 10, 2023, 7 tweets

The death of every child is an enormous tragedy.

In 2021:
♦️ 5 million children died before their 5th birthday
♦️ 2.1 million older children & young people lost their lives

That’s 1 loss every 4.4 seconds!

Most of these deaths were preventable with access to quality healthcare

Some good news…

Globally, since 2000:
↘️ The under-five mortality rate fell by 50%
↘️ Mortality rates in older children & youth dropped by 36%
↘️ Stillbirth rates decreased by 35%

However, gains have reduced significantly since 2010.


Guess what?

Where you are born dramatically shapes your chances of surviving into childhood.

Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia are shouldering the heaviest burdens of stillbirths and child deaths.


Guess what?

Where you live dramatically shapes your prospects for a healthy pregnancy and birth.

The risk of a woman having a stillborn baby in sub-Saharan Africa is 7⃣ times higher than in Europe and North America.


Over 40% of late stillbirths occur during labour, while prematurity-related complications are the leading cause of death for babies in their first month of life.

Many of these losses are preventable with access to quality care throughout pregnancy & birth.

For children that survive past their first 28 days, respiratory infections like #pneumonia, and diseases like diarrhoea & #malaria pose the biggest threat.


What is a matter of life and death?

Access to and availability of quality health care.

We have to ensure that every child and adolescent has the best possible chance of a healthy life. #HealthForAll

More on the 🆕 reports ⬇️

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