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Jan 12, 2023, 22 tweets

The Kool-Aid Kronicles Part 13...

Welcome back to the Losers Club – an examination of supporters @JimLyonsMA, crackpot chairman of @Massgop and his aide de camp, or should I say clown de camp, Geoff “DoorDash” Diehl, both shown here at the State House in the Great Hall of Losers, or something…

Despite Lyons’ utter destruction of the party, these elderly cranks plan to vote for Jim Jones Lyons on Jan. 31 in his bid to get reelected to finish off MA GOP once & for all.

The party is destitute & totally defeated, yet these losers don’t care. Do you know why losing doesn’t bother them? Because none of them could ever get elected to anything except the state committee.

Who better to lead these lost souls to their rendezvous with destiny (& Kool-Aid) than Jim Jones & Door Dash, who between them have lost a total of at least six elections.

Neither lasted long enough in the legislature to vest for a pension, which may explain their increasingly desperate appeals for divine intervention.

Here’s today’s list of Jim Jones Lyons’ loser @Massgop supporters.
First, meet Dennis Galvin, age 71, of Westford.

2004, lost state rep’s race, 44.9% of the vote.

2014, lost state rep’s race, 44.3% of the vote.

Most male @JimJonesMA supporters look like elderly hoboes, but Galvin dresses well – maybe because since Sept. 2003 he’s been pocketing state pension that is now $94,233 a year.

“To paraphrase John Paul Jones, I have not yet begun to lose!”

“Before you can enter the barn, you MUST sign this petition pledging to drink the Kool-Aid whenever Chairman Jim Jones Lyons orders you to.”

Patricia St. Aubin, age 64, of Norfolk, the Kool-Aid Kult’s Cat Lady.

2010, lost the auditor’s race, 38% of the vote.

St. Aubin holds a high position in Kool-Aid Kult – budget chairman.

“Mr. Lyons, I keep searching but I can’t seem to find that line item in the budget for ‘Investigation of Gov. Maura Healey’s sex life….’”

“Mr. Lyons, what am I supposed to tell OCPF when I’m under oath & they ask me what you spent that $53,000 on?”

Here she is with her fearless leader and Marty Lamb, age 65, two-time @MassGOP loser.

“What flavor Kool-Aid do you recommend with sushi, Mr. Lyons?”

If there’s ever a remake of “Gilligan’s Island,” you know what role Marty Lamb is angling for.

Kathy Lynch, age 60, of Westford

2018, state rep, lost 35.6%.

Here Kathy is with Rick Green, another GOP loser – Congress, 2018, 33.5% of vote.

In 2016 Green had a major crush on John Kasich – “Did you know he’s the son of a postman, Kathy?”

Fill in your own Kathy Lynch joke here.

With some more local losers: l-r, Prina Prinzivalli, 2018, state rep, lost 43.4%; Alex Veras of Haverhill, loser Lynch & Brian Genest, Kool-Aid drinker who loves Jim Jones almost as much as he loves Judy Garland movies.

The problem with being one of Jim Jones Lyons’ walking dead is that you’re always cleaning up one embarrassing mess after another...

To be continued with more members of The Losers Club….

“Let’s see… how do you spell I.O.U., Mr. Lyons?”

#Mapoli #Dumpjimjones

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