pjw(AI) 🇺🇸 Profile picture
AI | USMC Combat Vet | Dad | Isaiah 40:31 Exhibited Paris, Beijing, Belgium, Sweden, LA, AZ, Time Square NYC, Miami IG: https://t.co/gdZTtt3nba FC: @pjw PPN Team

Jan 15, 2023, 14 tweets

Week 2 of 2023 #TezosNFTs purachase reviews. Thank you for continuing to read along as I review this weeks NFT grabs in my collections. Many great artists so please Like ♥️, Share ♻️, Tag others 🫂and be sure to look at these artists works. Maybe even claim some for your own.🧵👇

This week started with a win for me by grabbing @DVKtheartist & @SuperchiefNFT with DVKtheartist - LIMITLESS. Great color, & visuals. The art is a controlled chaos in the work. Glad to have this in my collection.

Crews by Anon artist on #tezos. Sound on. This is a creative piece that combines sight and sound in the creation. Solid work defining indiviudal characters within a group style image. When you look around you can find under-rated works. Good stuff.

Astronaut by @AlipanahFarham
Of course we need coffee in space! Another grab this week from this artist. Creativity, color, and humor. Love it.

filling_the_void by @underscore_xo
The artists transition from the void in red to a series in blue has been remarkable. Signature style, look, and engagement is always present. Greatful to have been able to collect another gem.

Haunted Houses from @notfoundt_
A great composition of sight and sound fitting of a hunted house. My daughter and I found this erie yet fun and satisfying. Great development with tools used in the creation.

Day 1 - 9:35 am from @DinosaurNFTS & the New Babylon collection. The imagery is clean and provides a solid setting. The blur detail in the front of the bed corner with a focused image over the bed is well defined.

EexGlitch #19 from exxmachine.tez
This piece caught my eye for the frequency is displayed. The hidden skull that is seems to rotate had be seeking a clearer image yet that is the point. The skull is temporary. Great work.

Monsoon from @SLOSONE
Powerful. The texture of the work is nearly tangible. Amazing contrast of color and balance. So much going on in this image. Bravo!

ⁿ°19 • Sky Pilot • Ancient Mariner from @carstairs_paul
Wonderful use of color of color composition for the glitch effect, and particularly subject matter. This has a classic "flash gordon" feel that I love. Wonderful work and will be watching this artist.

mess around #2023 from @dorasmeng
Grabbed this as soon as I discovered. The surreal, dystopian feel was an immediate impact. Vibrant red with the contrast of the blonde hair and skin tone draws my attention to the lighting. Great work. Glad to have this in my collection.

A few of my works dropped this week. Focused on lighting, shadows, color composition.
Nico, Kok0,
Frogs in Space - Engineer, Frogs in Space - Navigator.
All on #tezos @objktcom

Thank you for following along and supporting the artists. There are many different visions of art, and expression. I find the works I collect each provide me with a different perspective. Thank you to the artists who create. Thank you to the collectors who collect. #NFTCommunity

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