Offensive OSINT Profile picture
Pentester/Security Analyst/OSINT Researcher doing cyber security art brut. Offensive OSINT Discord

Jan 19, 2023, 8 tweets

I built a real-time intelligence gathering tool and it's accessible online. Open Source Surveillance has 18 features including social media, cameras, #IoT, #ICS, transportation and more. #osint #intelligence #infosec #privacy

More information & screens and contact details are on the website

App was created to assist in variety of location based investigations. It's super easy to use, just choose the module, scan your location and data will be saved into database to access anytime later.

Get live view from Snapchat, videos from YouTube, millions of photos from Flickr and most recent posts from Instagram and Twitter. Useful during events investigations or photo geolocations tasks.

Wigle module allows to scan for Wifi & Bluetooth all over the world. Use it track people & companies or search for poorly secured networks in sensitive facilities.

You have 3 types of cameras to choose from - Weather and street cameras which include live footage and surveillance cameras with exact information about it's destination.

Features known from Kamerka have been also implemented. Scan and pinpoint IoT and ICS devices. In addition, look for screenshots from cameras and vulnerabilities like Blueekeep or ProxyShell

Step by step tutorial and real world cases are described in detail on my blog…

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