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Jan 20, 2023, 16 tweets

Sir Alex Ferguson was feared for his "absolutely terrifying" outbursts at Man United.

But you can't blame him: his squad was packed with incurable shaggers and absolute wrong'uns.

From cocaine benders to cross-dressing orgies, meet the maddest and baddest of the Fergie era...

Mark Bosnich, GK

With a cocaine habit that reached 10 grams a day, the Aussie stopper managed just 26 games for United.

An infamous stag night bender saw Bozza wake up in jail on his wedding day, after robbing a photographer outside a strip club.

Wrong'un rating: 8/10

Martin Edwards, CEO

At the '96 end-of-season party, the club assigned their Chairman a minder as "his visits to the ladies are becoming more frequent".

He eventually got a police caution for peering under cubicle doors, and resigned soon after.

Wrong'un rating: 9/10

Phil Bardsley, RB

The Scottish defender came up through United's academy, briefly breaking into the first team in 2003.

It's fair to say the success went to his head... here he is bathing in £50 notes on a grotty casino floor.

Wrong'un rating: 5/10

Wayne Rooney, ST

You could write a book on Wazza's exploits, from knobbing grannies to spiking teammates with Viagra.

But our favourite is the letter he left for a £140 prostitute:

“To Charlotte, I shagged U on 28 Dec, loads of love, Wayne Rooney.”

Wrong'un rating: 8/10

Ryan Giggs, LM

"Is Ryan Giggs the last good man in Premier League football?" asked The Guardian back in 2010.

Not if you ask his brother Rhodri...

Ryan was secretly knobbing Rhod's missus for 8 years, before the press caught him with his pants down.

Wrong'un rating: 9/10

But Rhodri had the last laugh, starring in a brilliantly catty advert for Paddy Power, entitled "Loyalty is dead, live for rewards."

Noman Whiteside, CM

After a night on the sauce, Big Norm came up with an ingenious ploy to avoid police: he'd nurse his Ford Cortina home at a glacial 15mph.

But his plan came crashing down when he was pulled over at a snail's pace on the M60 motorway.

Wrong'un rating: 5/10

Kleberson, RM

United eventually signed the 24-year-old midfielder in 2003.

They tried to get him the summer before, but Klebbers chose to stay another year in Brazil so he could marry his 15-year-old fianceé when she turned legal.

Wrong'un rating: 8/10

Ashley Young, LB

Not exactly a wrong'un, but there's a convincing case to be made that Ash is a pathological liar...

Despite overwhelming video evidence, the defender refuses to admit that a bird pooed in his mouth during a match.

Wrong'un rating: 1/10

Rio Ferdinand, CB

Rio always seems like a decent bloke, but he did himself no favours when he copped an 8 month ban for skipping a drug test to go shopping.

And then there's the time he called DJ Chris Moyles a "faggot" live on Radio 1...

Wrong'un rating: 4/10

Cantona, CAM

Need we say any more?

Wrong'un rating: 8/10

Laurent Blanc, CB

Not many skeletons in his closet, but he is a patronising old git. Just ask journalist Johanna Franden.

"Women talking tactics, it’s so beautiful," Lozza chuckled, before asking her softly "You know what 4-3-3 means, don’t you?"

Wrong'un rating: 4/10

Dwight Yorke, ST

The Trinidadian striker was an absolute shagger.

He filmed a sex tape with Mark Bosnich, dressing up as women and dancing round the bedroom during an orgy with 4 girls.

Unfortunately for Dwight, the tabloids found the tape in his bins.

Wrong'un rating: 5/10

Alex Ferguson, Manager

Fergie was famed for his vicious bollockings, but he was capable of the odd kind word.

Asked about Dion Dublin's famously large penis, he replied: "It's magnificent. I've seen some whoppers in my time, but Dion's is something else."

Wrong'un rating: 1/10

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