Barnacules Nerdgasm Profile picture
Ex Microsoft Windows Senior SDET 👨‍💻Tech Savvy Patriot Resisting Fascist Dictator Donald Trump & Elon Musk 🇺🇸

Jan 24, 2023, 6 tweets

⚠️ PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ⚠️ #2fa #security #hacked #lastpass #bitwarden #norton #sms #privacy

🛑 Why you should spend the time now! Not later… 🛑 #sec #2fa #identitytheft #id #privacy #security

🔥 Had @LastPass not leaked their entire password database I would be safe right now even if attackers has my real password. They claim this is a “feature” that makes them extra secure. This is on them but I was dumb enough to believe they could keep their data & source safe 🔥

🤔 And before you ask, all of the data used in the hacks came directly from LastPass including usage of physical images of the cards themselves with regard to bank fraud 🤔

😎 Just a few solid tips that will help you stay safe if you move sooner rather then later 😎

If you guys actually found these posts useful and actually share them, I'll add more steps and give more information freely but for now I need to go sleep. I haven't slept in 36 hours, and this is the 3rd day in 2 weeks I've skipped a night and it's really messing with me.

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