Barnacules Nerdgasm Profile picture
Ex Microsoft Windows Senior SDET 👨‍💻Tech Savvy Patriot Resisting Fascist Dictator Donald Trump & Elon Musk 🇺🇸
Jan 8 6 tweets 3 min read
Did you know you can activate Windows 11 using a 3rd party activation server on the internet outlined in dozens of GitHub projects that Microsoft purposefully doesn't try to stop because at the end of the day, they want you running Windows 11 because you're the product! 😏 #TechTipImage
Here is a link to one of MANY projects that outlines this method of activation. And not a single one of them has been removed from GitHub even after being reported multiple times, even by yours truly just to prove my theory!…
Apr 11, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
Hahaha! 👏 @Elonmusk had to admit to running the burner accounts @Ermnmusk & @babysmurf9000 during a deposition under oath! When he couldn’t stop it going public he mass deleted posts breaking TOS, attacking @Grimezsz & pushing dangerous conspiracies! 😏… You can find lots of the now deleted posts searching the web or querying the @internetarchive way back machine. 🍿 Elon pretends to be his own toddler son to attack his ex-wife @Grimezsz & talk about smut! Truth is Elons kids can’t stand him, just ask his daughter Vivian Wilson!

Apr 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Do you think @SpaceX Starship will make it to orbit tomorrow? 🤔 Do you think @SpaceX Starship will land successfully is it makes it to orbit tomorrow? 🤔
Apr 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This stuff is $37 per pill at the pharmacy! So my doctor literally handed me $1110 worth of medicine?! Do I take it or eBay it? 😉 /jk

If this stuff works I’m not sure how I’ll be able to afford it since insurance won’t cover it 😬 I may have to get sponsored by these guys! 🤔 Image After 2 days I can report no negative side effects so far so that’s good 👏 Better now have side effects for the price of 7 Starbucks mocha’s a day 😂
Apr 16, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Want to install Windows 11 for free without paying for it & still be 100% legal & legit? Just find an old Windows XP or newer product KEY & upgrade your little A$$ off until you're finally on Windows 11 then extract the key! 👏 #TechTip… If you're on hardware that doesn't support Windows XP then just use a VM like the guy in the video to upgrade to each new step and change VM settings as necessary to support the next operating system. Once you get to Windows 11 extract that key for future clean installs 👍
Feb 28, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
I'm sharing this so hopefully people will stop buying stolen Microsoft Windows 10 & 11 product activation keys from "cheap product key" websites some YouTubers keep advertising even though they are selling non-transferable stolen product keys. Keep reading & share 🙏

Read ⬇️ The best way to verify if a cheap product key website is legit is to simply search for "Microsoft Windows" & if they sell keys for those products then they are corrupt. Microsoft Windows product keys are non-transferable sold as OEM, Volume & Retail keys only! #Tip

Feb 27, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
All cheap Microsoft Windows 10 & Windows 11 product keys are stolen or counterfeit 🚨

Sites like WhoKeys & VIP-SCDKEY all sell stolen keys could be deactivated at any time.

I wish YouTubers would stop taking scam sponsored without research!

MS Policy… All of these companies hide their businesses addresses, owner, business license & all contact info because they operate illegally outside of the USA!

They pay YouTubers huge amounts to push buyers to them claiming legitimacy when they are just thieves selling stolen property 😡
Feb 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Science > Religion
Knowledge > Ignorance
Love > Hate
Acceptance > Intolerance
Friendship > Adversary
Life > Death
Humility > Elitism

I hope one day humanity experiences real peace & tranquility without a small group of evil people always brain washing us to serve them 🙏 #Hope A guy can wish, right?
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Do you want to get hacked? If you answered 'NO' then, please get yourself a Yubikey & make darn sure it's your ONLY method of accessing your password manager. Then make sure all 2FA recovery keys for your password manager are ONLY stored OFFLINE in a SAFE! I have (2) OnlyKeys which are more expensive hardware keys that can perform FIDO2, TOTP & HID Emu, Python Scriptable, etc but they don't support NFC & after a while that is a total deal breaker for me when I'm working on mobile devices👍
Feb 19, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Your PC telling you it’s not compatible with Windows 11? Just add this registry key & restart install 😎

Reg Path:

Create DWORD 32bit Key Named “AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU”

Set it’s value to “1”

Now restart setup & share 👍🏻 #TechTip If you’re doing a clean install from media & not upgrade from within Windows 10 you can use the latest version of Rufus to create media that automatically bypasses it 👍🏻 #TechTips #Windows11 Image
Feb 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I just signed up for Privacy after getting hacked because @LastPass leaked all my data forcing me to change all my credit & debit cards 🤦‍♂️ Moving forward I'm going to use Privacy to create separate VISA cards with limits & schedules to prevent fraud! 🙏 If you guys use this Privacy service let me know what you think about it? I like that you can create a credit card for each bill so if they try to charge more it will stop payment & notify you so you can increase the limit, so you don't deal with parasitic charges or fraud.
Jan 27, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
It's scary how dependent I've become on technology & infrastructure. Let's both try to do a few things in 2023 to make ourselves less dependent so we can survive it all suddenly disappearing. We don't have to be a full-blown prepper but let's make sure we have the basics 🙏 The recent @LastPass hack has really opened my eyes learning a hard lesson watching someone I don't know from a country I've never been to lock me out of my money, ability to work, investments, communication in just a few moments & I felt completely powerless to do anything.
Jan 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
According to @GoTo the makers of @LastPass they don't store peoples credit card information, bank information, social security numbers or any other personal data so people shouldn't worry about identity theft from the breach 🤔


Source 📰… Also, at no point did @Goto or @LastPass contact me even though I'm one of the "small number of people impacted" they talk about in their response 🤬 Hell, they couldn't even help me recover my account back from the attackers. I was lucky enough to have an iPhone with FaceID 🙏
Jan 25, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I always get a little excited when I convince #ChatGPT to do something it normally refuses to do 🏆

It wouldn't make me an email list of common names, but it would make a list of names with extra stuff added on the end on subsequent prompts 😉 #OpenAI #gpt3 PS: None of those email addresses are real so far as I know. They are just different permutations based on input to ChatGPT 🤣 So if you think somehow you're going to reach any of those people you're dreaming. But you might find a scammer camped out on their name 🍿
Jan 25, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
I've been toying with a method for people to keep credentials memorable while keeping them completely unique on each & every site 👍

This method uses SHA256 encoding to generate username & password based on memorable secret & format, but input username & password is gibberish 😎 Just come up with a phrase you can easily remember like "i<3vaginas" then use URL itself as prefix to username & password.

User: gmail.com_barnacules
Pass: gmail.com_password

Then use encoded text as actual username & password for each site 👍
Jan 24, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
⚠️ PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ⚠️ #2fa #security #hacked #lastpass #bitwarden #norton #sms #privacy 🛑 Why you should spend the time now! Not later… 🛑 #sec #2fa #identitytheft #id #privacy #security
Jan 24, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Remember when CAPTCHA was billed to us as free cutting edge bot detection when in reality we were all training Google Maps to read street signs & OACR for digitizing books & optimizing search? 🤔

If something is free then you’re ALWAYS the product 😎 #OpenAI #ChatGPT #AI However this time they trained the heck out of the model to give it a solid foundation before allowing the public’s to start poisoning it. And now adoption is so high that good information outweighs bad information & it’s still being curated & hand held to gravitate towards truth
Jan 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I absolutely love #ChatGPT and think it is one of the biggest leaps forward in technology we have seen in our lifetimes revolutionizing how quickly we can acquire & apply knowledge.

That's why it sucks that @Microsoft basically controls it since it can't exist without @Azure 🤣 So, enjoy these early days of the technology where it's the wild wild west and you can still get some truly unique experiences with it because once it's a retail product it will have its wings clipped for anything that would enable someone to develop their own AI or rival MS.
Jan 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
To those of you that think I'm fear mongering by telling people to stop using online password managers I'll just say "Good!"! I want people to be scared! I don't want anyone to go through what I'm going through right now when a FIDO key can stop it! #Sec If nothing else just get one & use it for your primary email address that you use for creating all of your other accounts online. If someone gets your primary email they own literally everything & prevent you from ever changing passwords, etc on things they don't take over.
Apr 2, 2022 18 tweets 9 min read
The trick to combatting scammers & spammers at scale isn’t to block, delete or ignore them but rather engage them with adversarial bots that lure them & follow their breadcrumb trail by emulating real humans making real victims harder to find than needles in a haystack @MKBHD 😈 What I would start with is creating a matrix of all the common tells of a scam bot & use regular expressions to classify & weight them.

- Account name contains social network name or abbreviation
- Message contains reference to other platform
- Emoji Pointers
- Dupe Posts
Apr 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I prayed to Jesus before I went to sleep last night and magically woke up this morning and my back is %100 cured and all my medical issues went away. I also checked my crypto account and an anonymous person sent me 100 $BTC 🙌

Praise Jesus! ⛪✝️ APRIL FOOLS! 😂 Still hurting like hell and going broke 😉

I got you good didn't I? 😉 #AprilFools