Joe Murphy  🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Profile picture
Followed by @glennkirschner2 @Thom_Hartmann @joncoopertweets @NancySinatra #NAFO 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪 Koch Antagonizer Anti-MAGA Coalition

Jan 26, 2023, 18 tweets

Koch 1% libertarians are actively changing our Democracy to a government with no regulation or oversight for corporations
While slowly shifting the burden of taxes to the 99%
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

When Ronald Reagan was sworn in and promised to destroy our government because it was “the problem,” we wondered the outcome, now we know,
4 decades of wealth inequality and the steady destruction of our Democracy
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Before Reagan, we’d passed the right to unionize which built the middle class
We passed unemployment insurance and safety to protect workers
Soc Sec largely ended poverty among seniors, and Medicare provided health care
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Democrats cleaned up the corruption of Robber Baron economics with the SEC, anti trust laws and election laws

For the first time in our history we strived to give the working/middle class a fair voice in Government.

#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Reversing the New Deal policies that made our country prosper is their mission
& labeling all who oppose their extreme position Socialists
is a Robber Baron ploy since Teddy Roosevelt's days
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

For the first time in our nation's history we elected a President who not only actively engaged in breaking our Government, but who sold it to the masses as the only way Americans will prosper..
Its a #trickledown scam
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Litigation to uphold conservative corruption is nothing new to this country
Powell and his cronies on SCOTUS struck down laws to regulate campaign financing, opening the door for Citizens United and legalizing bribery
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Republicans have actively worked for Campaign Finance Corruption since 1975
The result, legalizing political bribery, was a first for America and the developed world.
A Republican legacy to this day
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

As with most Republican presidents, their talent for corrupt cabinet members is well known
But few remember Reagan's talent for finding the most, under qualified and inept as well as corrupt Republican cabinet members
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Further eroding Government's responsibility to society
For the first time since FDR we had President beholden to the 1% Koch libertarians only
And Reagan went to work to destroy govt from within
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

To dismantle our great society, with the backing of his Koch/libertarian allies, Reagan proceeded to tear apart the fabric of our society and attacked the core strengths of our working/middle class
Education and Unions
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

The Koch libertarians attacked our media next and poured billions into funding Faux science/academia and inept judges
Money flowed into the GOP like an unending river, which continues up to this moment
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

This 4 decades long onslaught by Koch has poisoned this countries well
We have anger creation instead of factual news
We have a party who lies non stop about everything and believes gaslighting the public is politics
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

Republicans under Koch have used hate and bigotry to divide our nation,
they use fear mongering in all their propaganda messaging
and please don't get it wrong here…all Right Wing media IS Disinformation..not news..
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

#KochNetwork messaging=
Demagogues like Trump, DeSantis and Abbott further raise the temperature by accusing career public school teachers of promoting “Critical Race Theory” and librarians of hustling perversion and porn.
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

We have now seen 4 decades of Koch manipulation of our political system attacking the very foundation of our Democracy
Can we Democrats hold the line against this insanity?

We have to…we are the last line of defense
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue

This is the second part in a series by Thom Hartman and the memes used are almost entirely his words..
Please give Thom a follow @Thom_Hartmann

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