thee nasty rougarou in the machine Profile picture
"That is most unfortunate,” Alito wrote in dissent.

Jan 27, 2023, 25 tweets

@Comey knew @PaulManafort was Kremlin connected.

#Ukraine warned the United States Government about Paul Manafort and the Party of Regions in 2006.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Konstantin Kilimnik was Russian GRU.

He was assigned to Paul Manafort as his interpreter for his work with the Party of Regions.

They are assisted by the SVR.

What could Paul Manafort's team from the Party of Regions and their stolen gas funds from Ukraine be used for around the world to cause chaos?

Someone as Steve Bannon.

Paul Manafort's interpreter, and partner in crime, was assigned to be his translator by Russia's GRU. They work with the Party of Regions to cause chaos.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Paul Manafort's interpreter, and partner in crime, was assigned to be his translator by Russia's GRU. They work with the Party of Regions to cause chaos.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Paul Manafort's interpreter, and partner in crime, was assigned to be his translator by Russia's GRU. They work with the Party of Regions to cause chaos.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Paul Manafort's interpreter, and partner in crime, was assigned to be his translator by Russia's GRU. They work with the Party of Regions to cause chaos.

They are assisted by the SVR.

Russian GRU and SVR are both at the meeting with Paul Manafort and @DonaldJTrumpJr.

Russian collusion.

The de-listing of Oleg Deripaska's #OFAC sanctions was a Conspiracy to Defraud the United States.

It lead to genocide in #Ukraine and it's leading to catastrophic global warming.

What was Barr doing in London with Oleg Deripaska?

Russian collusion.

Arrest William Barr.

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO

National Security Division.

Damian Williams is not fucking around.

#UnitedWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine

@Comey @RudyGiuliani @RodRosenstein

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO

National Security Division.

Damian Williams is not fucking around.

#UnitedWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine

@Comey @RudyGiuliani @RodRosenstein

It is an international criminal conspiracy involving Lord Barker.

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO
#UnitedWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine

These muppets and Betsy's knucklehead brother, Erik Prince, have all met Oleg Deripaska personally.

@LeaderMcConnell @BetsyDeVosED

When does the Oleg Deripaska & Gennadiy Timchenko owned Redut PMC get labeled by Treasury as a transnational criminal organization?

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#Kleptocapture w/ #REPO

#UnitedWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine

@LeaderMcConnell @BetsyDeVosED

When does the Oleg Deripaska & Gennadiy Timchenko owned Redut PMC get labeled by @USTreasury as a transnational criminal organization, @stevenmnuchin1?

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#Kleptocapture w/ #REPO

#UnitedWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine

When does the Oleg Deripaska & Gennadiy Timchenko owned Redut PMC get labeled by @USTreasury as a transnational criminal organization, @stevenmnuchin1?

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#Kleptocapture w/ #REPO

#UnitedWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine

When does the Oleg Deripaska & Gennadiy Timchenko owned Redut PMC get labeled by @USTreasury as a transnational criminal organization, @stevenmnuchin1?

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#Kleptocapture w/ #REPO

#UnitedWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine

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