thee nasty rougarou in the machine Profile picture
"That is most unfortunate,” Alito wrote in dissent.

Jan 28, 2023, 5 tweets

McGonigal is at the heart of an international criminal conspiracy involving the CCP via CEFC, the Russians via Rosneft, and the Trump Crime Family via Trump World Tower Unit 78B.

U. N. bribery scandal to avoid #OFAC sanctions.

Cope it up, buttercups.

@DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump

McGonigal is at the heart of an international criminal conspiracy involving the CCP via CEFC, the Russians via Rosneft, and the Trump Crime Family via Trump World Tower Unit 78B.

Conspiracy to avoid #OFAC sanctions, @RudyGiuliani.

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO

McGonigal is at the heart of an international criminal conspiracy involving the CCP via CEFC, the Russians via Rosneft, and the Trump Crime Family via Trump World Tower Unit 78B.

Conspiracy to avoid #OFAC sanctions, @RudyGiuliani.

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO

McGonigal is at the heart of an international criminal conspiracy involving the CCP via CEFC, the Russians via Rosneft, and the Trump Crime Family via Trump World Tower Unit 78B.

Conspiracy to avoid #OFAC sanctions, @RudyGiuliani.

This is an international criminal enterprise, @RudyGiuliani, and a drunk #MAGA true believer just destroyed it with a drunken e-mail.

How does it feel, @DonaldJTrumpJr?

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