thee nasty rougarou in the machine Profile picture
"That is most unfortunate,” Alito wrote in dissent.

Jan 29, 2023, 16 tweets

Charles McGonigal gave Paul Manafort a free pass on crime.

Who else did?

@Comey @petestrzok @FrankFigliuzzi1 @HillaryClinton

Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…

Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…

Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution, @RudyGiuliani.

I see motive, would you like to be indicted as well, @elonmusk?

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO

National Security Devision.…

@elonmusk Charles McGonigal gave Paul Manafort a free pass on crime.

Who else did, @BarackObama?

Ukraine warned us that Paul Manafort was in with Russian intelligence and the Party of Regions back in 2006.

Charles McGonigal gave Paul Manafort a free pass on crime.

Who else did?

@Comey @petestrzok @FrankFigliuzzi1 @HillaryClinton

So Oleg Deripaska is on the hunt for Robert Levinson, who's been kidnapped in Iran for trying to track down Semion for the @CIA, while the @FBI in charge of finding him court Oleg, who's Semion's capo?

You're a piece of shit, @Comey, and I hope you rot in prison.

This all seems perfectly normal to @Comey I take it.

Who couldn't fucking see this crime spree?

I am but a man, but I know when I've been fucked over.

Robert Mercer fucked me over and @Comey helped.

@HillaryClinton @BarackObama

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