Joe Murphy  🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Profile picture
Followed by @glennkirschner2 @Thom_Hartmann @joncoopertweets @NancySinatra #NAFO 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇪 Koch Antagonizer Anti-MAGA Coalition

Jan 29, 2023, 16 tweets

The GOP Plan to roll out their
“Path to Prosperity” Corporate agenda in this Congress
ALEC is a Koch corporate mill bill machine
& Americans for Prosperity is a
Koch/Billionaire dark money disinformation outlet
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

The Path to Prosperity agenda only benefits the top 1%
With GOP false claims it was TCJA tax bill in 2017 that created the growth we have today
While ignoring the fact that in 2019 our economy was already sinking
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

The TCJA is a corporate mill bill from ALEC, and the true beneficiaries have been the corporations and the wealthy in this country who own the large majority of stocks.

#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

TCJA was a failure, Corporations were not only surviving but thriving profit wise.
The corporate tax cuts in this bill were purchased by the Koch network for the top 1% but completely unnecessary in practical terms
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Republicans are now gaslighting that TCJA is what revived our economy, ignoring Bidens ARP/IFS/CHIPS/Omnibus and other Bills that have created American jobs and stimulated the economy focused on the Working/Middle class
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Koch/ALEC legislation always uses deceit and partial truths to sell their agenda.
Corp claims of being more competitive with other nations was and still is a lie, we are more competitive and pay the least in taxes
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Republicans falsely claim Dem policies created the deficit even though TCJA is 25% of our current deficit
Despite the passage of all Bidens jobs and infrastructure bills..
@POTUS has still decreased the deficit $1.8T
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Republicans scream it is tax and spend Democrats (Historically the GOP’s biggest lie) raising the deficit but factually speaking 25% of the deficit today is from the Koch TCJA bill.
And Biden has lowered the deficit $1.8T

#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #ProudBlue #DemVoice1

Source articles 2
The TCP propaganda plan in their words…

Source article 3 more propaganda and highlight of the Koch/ Corporate bills Republicans will be rolling out this congress…

Corporate tax revenue by country👇
For the richest country in the world our Corporations give back the least to this country
but don't mind taking the most from its citizens
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #ProudBlue #DemCast #DemVoice1

Main propagandist for the Koch AFP network👇

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