Mathew Crawford Profile picture
MetaPrep Education Group LLC Rounding the Earth

Jan 31, 2023, 14 tweets

Levels of #Psyops:

The pattern of the Endless Wars in the Middle East...

Look a lot like...

The pattern during the #pandemic.…

Middle East wars psyop 1:

We're going to get the terrorists. And WMDs.

Middle East wars psyop 2:

Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are stealing liquid black gold for American oiligarchs (part b: rare earth metals).

Middle East wars psyop 3:

It's about the drug and sex trafficking markets.

Sure, a handful of douchebags using the military for cover did this, but...

Middle East wars psyop 4:

Go off the petrodollar, and we'll kick yer arse!

Level 5:

It's About the Post-Dollar Global Economic System…

Now, let's repeat this exercise with respect to the #plandemonium.

Pandemic Psyop Level 1: It was zoonosis!

After three years, zero SARS-CoV-2 positive animals in Wuhan. Zero. Zilch.

Pandemic Psyop Level 2: China did it in the Laboratory with the Swabstick.

Pandemic Psyop Level 3: It's U.S. Gain of Function research!

Nobody has yet demonstrated the possibility of engineering a stable quasi-species swarm that includes the scary array of poisonous inserts in papers and sequences---only infectious clones of low replication competence.

There may be more Psyops coming, but digging to the bottom of the motive stacks yields the likely truth: the crown jewel of all criminal activity...

There is life after the dollar. All nationally-based global reserve currencies come to an end. And it gets ugly #TriffinParadox

This could be accomplished with a U.S. bioattack, either real (infectious clones, bacterial agents, etc.) or imagined (hospital #iatrogenocide). Maybe the wrong answer was always Psyop 4, which we skipped because I'm not into making assumptions beyond the key motive.

If you liked this thread, please subscribe to #RoundingTheEarth or scratch my inner thigh because that feels awesome.…

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