🪢 Chainge's cross-chain roaming is the only universal interoperability solution that is decentralized, multi-operational and 100% secure.
🤓 Let's get techy and find out why + how any project can go full #crosschain & aggregate top liquidity by integrating our SDKs:
So why is our interoperability solution superior?
1⃣ Multiple cross-chain operations performed simultaneously. Assets become chain-agnostic.
Eg: #USDT spread across 12 CHAINS can be instantly "bridged" to 1 destination chain OR swapped with one tap, within 2 minutes.
2⃣ Chainge is the ONLY aggregator that CAN aggregate liquidity cross-chain. Meaning we are the most liquid DEX aggregator on the market, offering the absolute best prices.
A cross-chain aggregated swap implies it being split on multiple liquid chains:
How are we the only ones able to pull this off?
🪢 Fusion DCRM tech:
Extraordinarily time & resource consuming to develop and perfect. We had the best of the best come together to achieve the ultimate interoperability model.
Fusion's Distributed Control Rights Management (DCRM)= a decentralized custodian model using the latest cryptography tech in Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) to provide a distributed key generation & transaction signing algo
This technology was developed for over a year, with the help of 4 leading cryptographers such as Rosario Gennaro and Dr. Pascal Paillier.
Also, worth noting: this is the ONLY interoperability solution that has been around for as long as it has and was NEVER hacked.
How does it work in Chainge?
We implement the "bridge" function via "relay chain mode", Fusion being the relay chain. No matter how many steps a bridge order has, the core steps come in pairs: wrap-in & wrap-out. A relay chain makes a very complicated multi-bridge path simple.
Practical benefits:
- the actual best swap prices
- fastest + cheapest cross-chain ops
- 0 need for multiple wallets, bridges or DEXs
- 36 integrated chains (EVM and non-EVM)
- USDC available on a record 19 chains
- 100% security & more
Dear #CryptoTwitter, stop using insecure, inefficient bridges and experience true interoperability in the Chainge app
Dear #developers, you can now integrate the Chainge SDKs to offer users true interoperability and unlimited liquidity
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