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Reproductive Health | Men's Health & Wellness | Mandela Washington Fellow |

Jan 31, 2023, 10 tweets

SQUATS don't make buttocks big.

Illiterate gym bros mislead women that if they focus on squats, they will have curvy hips & bootylicious bums.

They also misinform men that if they do squats, their buttocks will be feminine.

Dismiss these lies.



The muscles of the buttocks are known as GLUTEAL MUSCLES.

The gluteal muscles are in a grouping of three muscles:

- Gluteus maximus

- Gluteus medius

- Gluteus minimus


The gluteus maximus is the most superficial as well as largest of the three muscles and makes up most of the shape and form of the buttock and hip area.

It is large and powerful because it has the job of keeping the trunk of the body in an erect posture.


It is the chief antigravity muscle that helps in:

- Standing up from sitting,

- Straightening from a bending position,

- Walking upstairs or on a hill,

- Walking and Running.


The Gluteus Maximus supports the pelvis & trunk,

- important when a person is standing on one leg.

If you cannot stand upright after sitting,

- or you have backache during standing after bending/sitting,

then you have weak gluteal muscles.


Also, if you easily lose balance when you try to stand on one leg, then your gluteal muscles are weak.

A person with strong gluteal muscles can stand on one leg without easily falling over.


Therefore, if you have weak gluteus muscles, you need to prioritize squats in these variations:

- Body weight squats

- Goblet squats

- Barbel squats

- Jefferson squats


You can also incorporate:

- Stiff Leg Deadlift

- One-legged deadlift with dumbbells

- Walking lunges

- Bulgarian split squats

These will also strengthen your gluteal muscles.


Big buttocks are a sheath of fats stored in the gluteal area layering the gluteal muscles.

Big buttocks in men are a result of too much oestrogen in the body due to what is known as AROMATIZATION which is the conversion of Testosterone to oestrogen.


Oestrogen is a fat-accumulation hormone. It prioritizes the accumulation of fats in the hips, buttocks and chest.

Women have curvy hips, breasts and big buttocks because of oestrogen.


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