thee nasty rougarou in the machine Profile picture
"That is most unfortunate,” Alito wrote in dissent.

Feb 2, 2023, 18 tweets

The #HunterBiden disinformation is a cover for CEFC's U.N. bribery in Trump Tower, Rosneft's conspiracy to evade sanctions with Charles McGonigal, and Donald J. Trump's $5.4 million dollars he received to his secret Chinese bank account.

The #HunterBiden disinformation is a cover for CEFC's U.N. bribery in Trump Tower, Rosneft's conspiracy to evade sanctions with Charles McGonigal, and Donald J. Trump's $5.4 million dollars he received to his secret Chinese bank account.

Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…

Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…

Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution, @RudyGiuliani.

I see motive to further the conspiracy.

Who wants a fucking indictment, @elonmusk?

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO

National Security Division.

#FreeChad #FreePropOrNot…

Is Erik fucking Prince ready for an indictment for his role in the conspiracy to de-list #OFAC sanctions, @Comey?

Is Joel Zamel?

Is @netanyahu?

Are Tony Fabrizio and Sefan Passantino ready for theirs?

Who made sure Nastya Rybka couldn't help convict Oleg Deripaska's puppet, Paul Manafort, @mikepompeo?

When does @USTreasury classify the Oleg Deripaska & Gennadiy Timchenko owned #RedutPMC, Barker Plan beneficiaries, as a transnational criminal organization, @stevenmnuchin1?

Who wants a fucking indictment?

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO

National Security Division.

Who wants a fucking indictment, @BetsyDeVosED?

Who wants a fucking indictment, @LeaderMcConnell?

How long have Paul Manafort and Tony Fabrizio worked with foreign intelligence on hack & leak operations while the @FBI looked the other way, @Comey?

Who's ready for some fucking indictments?

Who's ready for some fucking indictments?

Sounds like Hunter Biden is ready for some indictments since he's asking the National Security Division to do something about @RudyGiuliani.…

Is Hunter Biden still represented by @jaredkushner's lawyer, @DonaldJTrumpJr?

Who's ready for some fucking indictments?

Is Hunter Biden still represented by @jaredkushner's lawyer, @DonaldJTrumpJr?

Who's ready for some fucking indictments?

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