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Feb 9th 2023
"According to the indictment, McGonigal and Neza made several trips together to Albania, where McGonigal met with Rama, the prime minister, and “Person B,” who, according to the New York Times, was Dorian Ducka, a former Albanian official and an informal adviser to Rama." Image
"As part of this effort, Lord Barker has personally retained a cadre of internationally respected advisors to help execute the plan, including international executive search firm Russell Reynolds, and investment bank Rothschild."

Rothschild & Co Bank.…
Oleg Deripaska tasked Lord Barker and Evgeny Fokin with The Barker Plan. They hired David Vitter and Mercury Public Affairs, which is also where Paul Manafort worked.

Rothschild & Co Bank is one of the law firms that helped Oleg Deripaska with The Barker Plan. ImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
The #HunterBiden disinformation is a cover for CEFC's U.N. bribery in Trump Tower, Rosneft's conspiracy to evade sanctions with Charles McGonigal, and Donald J. Trump's $5.4 million dollars he received to his secret Chinese bank account. ImageImageImage
The #HunterBiden disinformation is a cover for CEFC's U.N. bribery in Trump Tower, Rosneft's conspiracy to evade sanctions with Charles McGonigal, and Donald J. Trump's $5.4 million dollars he received to his secret Chinese bank account. ImageImageImage
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 18 tweets

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