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A Human, weathering my intuitions. Texan by birth, Christian by Faith. I ♥️ documents | Contributor @BadlandsMedia_ and @WeTheMedia17

Feb 3, 2023, 15 tweets


New batch of FOIAs have dropped thanks to @15poundstogo and @JudicialWatch

Full batch is here: drive.google.com/file/d/1xZ6D3P…

One document that immediately drew attention was this FBI 302.

Not because it is new, but because it has been RECLASSIFIED and redacted as of last Spring.

Here is the version that @jsolomonReports obtained and published on January 20th, 2021.

Link: justthenews.com/sites/default/…

To reclassify a document is no simple matter.

Source: justice.gov/oip/page/file/…

h/t: @mgEyesOpen

One explanation for this reclassification that I have seen offered in a few places is that DOJ set Trump up by reclassifying it, knowing that he had a copy.

This is at least partially based on the timing of Trump's back and forth with NARA and DOJ over docs stored at MAL.

I get why pple would jump to that take, but I don't think it holds up.

Here is the timeline of the Trump-NARA-DOJ.

DOJ was already involved before this doc got reclassified.

Source: cnn.com/2022/08/09/pol…

And nowhere, that I have seen, has it been argued by DOJ or NARA that Trump had docs that were reclassified. I think they would have mentioned that in the court filings somewhere by now.

Besides, the President can and DID declassify this document. It was published.

So I do not think this would be the "Gotcha, Orange Man!" trick that a few folks seem to think it would be.

So then, why has this document been reclassified?

Clues and indicators as to why are on and in the document itself.

NSICG = National Security Information
Classification Guide


REASON: 1.4 (C) = intelligence activities (including covert action), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology


The redactions are for these reasons:

b6 = privacy (names)
b7 = for law enforcement purposes


So, knowing and understanding all of this, lets read the redacted and unredacted versions again.

The doc is referencing Steele and Burrows of Orbis meeting with FBI and apologizing for running to the media with the Dossier.

Steele and Burrows say they did so because they were "riding two horses," one was the FBI and one was their client.

That client, was Hillary Clinton and they chose her.

So, to RECLASSIFY this document, something MUST be going on with either Steele, Burrows, Orbis, HRC, the FBI agents at this meeting, or a combo thereof.


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