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اکانت رسمی گمان: گروه مطالعات افکارسنجی ایرانیان Official account of GAMAAN: The Group for Analyzing & Measuring Attitudes in IRAN. Tweets in Persian & English

Feb 4, 2023, 17 tweets

The #GAMAAN's survey report on “Iranians’ Attitudes Toward the 2022 Nationwide Protests” is available in this link👇🏽…

The survey was conducted December 21-31, 2022. 158,000+ respondents inside #Iran, and 42,000+ outside Iran competed the survey.

In response to the question “Islamic Republic: Yes or No?” 81% of respondents inside #Iran responded “No” to the Islamic Republic, 15% responded “Yes,” and 4% were not sure. Of the Iranian respondents abroad, 99% responded “No,” opting against the Islamic Republic


Regarding an alternative regime type, 28% inside Iran and 32% outside Iran would prefer a presidential republic, 12% inside #Iran and 29% outside would prefer a parliamentary republic, and 22% inside Iran and 25% outside Iran would prefer a constitutional monarchy.


Re #IranProtests, 80% of those inside the country support the protests; 67% believe the protests will succeed, while 14% think they will not. 15% of the population inside the country oppose the protests. Respondents outside the country overwhelmingly support the protests.

About #IranProtests actions, 22% of those inside the country say they have participated in street protests, and 53% state that they may participate in protests [in future]. 44% say they joined strikes, while 38% say they might do so;


Of Iranian respondents outside #Iran, 52% say they have participated in protest rallies; 44% reached out to officials of their respective countries of residence; and 33% supported the protests financially.


46% of Iranians inside #Iran and 56% of Iranians outside Iran state that they feel happy that the soccer team of the Islamic Republic of Iran lost against the US’ team. In contrast, 23% of those in Iran and 8% outside report having felt sad about the game’s outcome.


85% of #IranProtests supporters inside Iran agree with the formation of a solidarity council (opposition coalition); 42% support a council that include activists inside and outside; 34% support a council being made up of individuals outside, if those inside support them

Of #IranProtests supporters inside #Iran, 59% expect the solidarity council to form a transition council and a provisional government; 53% think the council should represent protestors in the world and negotiate with foreign countries;


Regarding prominent figures for forming a solidarity council, on average, respondents inside #Iran selected 7 individuals & respondents outside Iran selected 9 individuals. Of the 20 most-selected individuals, 10 reside in Iran and 10 reside outside Iran, and 7 are women.

The 20 most-selected individuals for a solidarity council, would represent 85% of the selections. The 10 most-selected individuals who reside in #Iran make up 40% of the total selections, & the 10 most-selected individuals who reside outside make up 45% of the selections.

73% inside #Iran believe that Western countries should defend the protestors’ rights by seriously pressuring the regime in Iran. In contrast, 19% of respondents inside the country think that Western powers should not intervene, as the protests are an internal matter.

70% of those inside #Iran agree with Western governments proscribing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, expelling the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic, allowing international foreign intervention to protect protestors.

Even though the majority in #Iran does not have confidence in the regime’s institutions, confidence in the army, at 29%, is relatively higher than confidence in other institutions. The parliament, with 8%; & the state media & the government, with 10%; are the most untrustworthy.

About punitive measures for officials responsible for killings,29% of those inside #Iran agree with the death penalty should a court reach the verdict after a fair trial; 24% would seek punishments other than the death penalty;16% would agree with revolutionary executions

60% of respondents inside #Iran describe themselves as proponents for regime change; 16% are proponents of a structural transformation; 11% are proponents of the principles of the Islamic Revolution & the Supreme Leader; 6% support gradual reforms within the framework of the I.R.

Find here the full report of #GAMAAN's survey on “Iranians’ Attitudes Toward the 2022 Nationwide Protests”👇🏽…

The results for respondents inside #Iran represent the target population of literate Iranian adults above 19 (90% of the total adult population)

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