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Feb 6, 2023, 7 tweets

Today is the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

FGM is an extreme form of discrimination against women, violates #HumanRights, and causes serious health harms.

It must be prevented: #EndFGM!


At least 2⃣0⃣0⃣ MILLION women & girls alive today have experienced female genital mutilation (FGM).

Immediate complications of FGM include:
♦️ excessive bleeding
♦️ severe pain
♦️ problems urinating
♦️ infections
♦️ death



Women & girls living with female genital mutilation can face serious & lifelong threats to their health & well-being, including:
♦️ psychological trauma
♦️ sexual problems
♦️ recurrent infections
♦️ complications during childbirth
♦️ other chronic health issues

Let's #EndFGM

Catherine Meng’anyi is a survivor of female genital mutilation, a dedicated nurse and a passionate advocate to #EndFGM in her lifetime.

Learn how she managed to rescue hundreds of young girls from FGM and early marriage in #Kenya 🇰🇪:

#DYK? 1 in 4 cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) is performed by a health worker.

WHO strongly opposes the medicalization of FGM & urges health professionals to NEVER undertake such procedures.



Health workers need to know how to treat the health conditions that may affect women & girls living with female genital mutilation.

They can also play a crucial role as advocates to #EndFGM.


Despite efforts to #EndFGM, 3 million girls & women are at risk each year.

Ending this practice will take everyone raising their hand and voice.

Let’s join hands to #EndFGM.


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