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Feb 7, 2023, 23 tweets

Here is an update for February 6th, 2023. #ukrdailyupdate (shhh)

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North of Kupyansk, in the Hryanykivka and Dvorichne area, Russian troops have pushed Ukraine back to their main line of defense along the railway. Their attempts to penetrate this defensive line have failed.

Russia has declared this some sort of victory, claiming they control the eastern part of Dvorichne. In reality, the east part was a gray area, and the Russian assault stopped when it met real resistance.

In the Kreminna area, Russian forces are continuing their push west, although they have not moved as far as they wanted to for several reasons. First, minor Ukrainian counterattacks have slowed the Russian forces. Second, there has been bad weather, limiting the use of drones.

In the Siversk area, Russia is attacking Bilohorivka. They claim to have captured this town, but no evidence supports this claim. Ukrainian troops have posted pictures from this town to show their presence.

I have not read news from Verkhnokamyanske, so I assume nothing has changed here, but it is possible more is going on in the town. Spirne is in more or less the same situation. Both of these towns have Russian attacks with unknown consequences.

After capturing Mykolaivka, Russia has had limited success attacking Rozdolivka and Vasyukivka. Instead, Russia is heavily shelling both towns.

Russian forces have had limited success in the Krana Hora area, just north of Bakhmut. They captured a factory in the southern part of Krasna Hora, and they heavily contest the eastern part. However, the primary defensive positions on the western side of the town are holding well

More importantly, a railway runs through Paraskoviivka from north to south; this railway goes all the way through Bakhmut. Ukraine’s primary defensive line is along this railway.

In the northern part of Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces slowly retreat to the railway.

In the east of Bakhmut, Ukraine is slowly withdrawing across the river. Russia is attacking along Gorky and Nekrasov street and along Vatutina Lane. They are also attacking north from the garbage dump area, where they have taken substantial casualties.

South of Bakhmut, near Opytne, Russia is attacking along Nezalezhnosti street. They are making progress here.

Near Ivanivske, Russian forces are fighting in the forests along the canal. Russians are worried about an impending counterattack and the vulnerability of their flank along this canal, which they have had limited success crossing.

However, as they press north to attack Ivanivske, this flank becomes increasingly vulnerable. For the past few weeks, I have expected a Ukrainian counterattack in this area to push Russia away from Chasiv Yar. However, this hasn’t happened yet. Although perhaps soon.

In the Avdiivka area, Russia attacked Vesele in the north, Kamyanka, and near the highway to the south. However, none of these attacks succeeded, and the attack in the south came with considerable casualties.

Russian forces are actively trying to push north from the Vodyane and Opytne area toward Sjeverne. They have made some progress.

Russian forces are also attacking Pervomaiske and Nevske without notable success.

In the Marinka area, Russian forces are attacking Krasnohorivka, although I believe these are just probing attacks.

There is active fighting in the south of Marinka, where Russian troops have crossed Druzhby Avenue to capture a small industrial area. They are also pushing toward Pobjeda and in the general direction of Novomykhailivka.

In the Vuhledar area, Russia is continuing its assault. They reportedly lost over 30 heavy vehicles today in various assaults.

In the Zaporizhzhia region, minor fighting is near Dorozhnyanka, south of Hulyaipole, and Nesterianka, south of Orikhiv.

Finally, Ukraine reportedly destroyed several Russian boats that attempted to cross the Dnipro in the Kherson region.

I made this image for the Kreminna area and it took me like 10 minutes to make and then I posted the wrong image. :(

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