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Feb 8, 2023, 9 tweets

#JaiHind @samarkohli ji,
I see all Indians as one. I have no interest in comparing one state to another. It make no difference to me. However such falsehoods need to be debunked with facts & fuigures. So hear you go, lets demolish these false claims, one by one 🧵👇

Claim #1⃣ - Punjab feeds the nation:
In wheat production Punjab is at #3, preceded by MP-#2 & Up=#1

In rice production, Bengal is #1, followed by UP-#2, and then Punjab at #3.
There is no way that "Punjab is feeding the nation", That claim should go to UP, MP & Bengal.

Claim #2⃣- "protects the nation"
There are soldiers from all states, I respect them all. But let's examine this claim.
Punjab is not even in top 12 in terms of recruitment to armed forces in recent times.

Even in pre-capita terms Himachal & UK beat Punjab by a large margin. Even Sikkim & J&K are also above Punjab !! Punjab comes at number 5 !!
so this claim doesn't hold any water.

Claim #3⃣-"panjabi have water you want to steal"
This claim is laughable !! all the 5 rivers in Punjab originate & collect their water in Jummu, Ladakh & Himachal Pradesh. By his own logic, is Punjab stealing the water of Jummu, Ladakh & Himachal Pradesh ?

Claim #4⃣-"What do Punjab get from rest of India ( implying, it gets nothing or very little)"
Let's examine this: Punjab gets huge farm subsidies from center, while its contribution to GDP & GST are abysmal, compare to other states.…

Let's look at GDP contribution of Punjab vs Rest of India.
In terms of absolute numbers,Punjab comes at # 16.
In terms of per- capita GDP.Punjab comes at # 19.
It just shows that Punjab is contributing way below other states,while drawing substantial subsidies from center.

Let's look at GST collection of Punjab vs Rest of India.
Punjab is way below others states in GST collection, in terms of absolute absolute numbers, as well as Per-capita GST.
Punjab is contributing less taxes compared to other states, while receiving massive farm subsidies.

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