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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Feb 10, 2023, 5 tweets

Tonight: A protest against male migrants being housed at a hotel in #Kirkby, England (near Liverpool) turned violent as a police vehicle was attacked. The locals are angry because a school girl says she was propositioned by a migrant from there.

#Antifa & communists also organized their own direct action to oppose the locals protesting against the migrant hotel in Kirkby, England. Local police are appealing for information about a male migrant who allegedly propositioned a schoolgirl.

The rioters in #Kirkby, England (near Liverpool) accuse the migrants housed at a local hotel of being nonces (British slang for pedophiles). They’re furious after a local schoolgirl recorded video of an adult male migrant allegedly propositioning her.

Girl: “I’m only 15”
Migrant: “Okay, good”

This is the video that was recorded in #Kirkby, UK by a schoolgirl approached by a migrant. The video sparked a violent protest outside the migrant hotel last night. Open border activists, media & #Antifa say the protesters are far-right

Left-wing media, open border activists, & leftists accuse the #Kirkby, England protesters of being far-right. Last night, the protesters gathered outside the migrant hotel & set a police vehicle on fire. They were also met by leftist counter protesters.

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