Jonathan Choe Profile picture
Discovery Institute Senior Fellow+Journalist. NEWS TIP:, *Vids branded "DI" represent Discovery Institute. Other views expressed are my own.

Feb 11, 2023, 5 tweets

MY SOURCES WERE RIGHT: @SeattlePD confirming #Chinatown-ID fire Thur was meth related as I reported. Neighbors are so sick of @wsdot and @kc_rha’s empty promises. What else will it take for the state to finally clear this public safety disaster? @GovInslee @MayorofSeattle

@SeattlePD @wsdot @KC_RHA @GovInslee @MayorofSeattle ENCAMPMENT EXPLOSION: Another #Chinatown-ID fire on @WSDOT property. My sources say meth was being cooked in tent. Where is Marc Dones and @KC_RHA outreach? Why is this being allowed? @MayorofSeattle @GovInslee

BEFORE IT GOT TORCHED: Structure w/blue tarp belongs to a notorious drug dealer. While #Seattle continues encampment sweeps multiple times each week, @WSDOT and @KC_RHA not moving at same pace, especially in #Chinatown-ID.

MINI CAMPS: Clusters of tents+structures remain in #Chinatown-ID on @wsdot property. Some have been here for more than year. Others popped up after massive 10th & Dearborn sweep few months ago.
@KC_RHA @GovInslee @WAStateCommerce @CMTammyMorales #Seattle

NOV 2022: In response to question about camp along highway in #Chinatown-ID, @WSDOT Secretary of Transportation Roger Millar said, "When we see something starting, we get in and stop it." 3 months later, it's still there. #Seattle

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