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Feb 12, 2023, 6 tweets

Here’s what an encyclopedia from 62 years ago says about weather control:

“Many ancient societies tried to find ways to control the weather…cloud seeding is the modern scientific method of rainmaking…substances may be dropped into a cloud from an airplane…SEE RAINMAKING.” 🧐

“Until the late 1940’s, the only men who attempted to ‘make rain’ were Indian medicine men and ‘rain doctors’ who claimed to work by magic. Today, scientists know much about why and how nature produces rain and snow. Under special conditions, they can cause rain to fall…”

“Scientists drop crystals of dry ice, or solid carbon dioxide, into the clouds from an airplane…rain or snow can be produced in the same kind of clouds by putting silver iodide into the cloud…Other methods of rain making have been used, based on the same principles.”

An illustration of how the process differs between creating raindrops and snowflakes. #Geoengineering #Chemtrails #ClimateChange

Note that cloud seeding and attempts to control the weather were both already being done for at least fifteen years before the launch of “Tiros I” - the first advanced weather satellite that was equipped with “TV Cameras”.

“Meteorologists in all parts of the world study cloud seeding and other ways of controlling the weather. They hope to learn how to alter the paths of hurricanes, control evaporation from the seas, THAW OUT FROZEN AREAS NEAR THE NORTH AND SOUTH POLES, and change wind patterns…”

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