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Feb 12, 2023, 12 tweets

Rare contemporary HD Painting of Dharamveer Chattrapati Shambhuji Maharaja 👑

Bijapur Style.

Most guess the child here is his son Hindupati Padshah Chattrapati Shahu Maharaja, but its likely his young brother Chattrapati Rajaram Maharaja considering his own youthful leanness.

Face of Chattrapati Sambhaji Maharaja.

Version 1 of the painting.

And another Version 2 of the painting.

Pṛthubhālaṃ Mahābāhuṃ
Vāchā Mṛdutaraṃ Vācāmāchāreṇa Manoharam

Chattrapati Rajaram or Shahu Maharaja as a Child.

Mirror Image of Chattrapati Sambhuji Maharaja.

Or is it the first iPad in history? #ancientaliens

Dharamveer Chattrapati Shambhuji Maharaja.

His body here nowhere resembles his adult body's depiction and description, its clearly of his teenage years here, meaning the child with him in the photo is Chattrapati Rajaram Maharaja, making it his only 2nd painting to be found.

Chattrapati Shambhuji Maharaja's friend/retainer holding a mirror with his reflection on it. Maybe or may not be a Maratha.

Considerable difference in both versions.

Another friend/retainer of Chattrapati Sambhaji Maharaja holding the peacock feather whisker.

If this is in Raigad, we have a look at its fabulous Garden-City aesthetic.

The flowers, mountainous background, do lend credit to this view.

Thin Pillars.

May be wood.

Look closely and you can see the fountain in the exact center.

Carpet design.

Significant variance in colours though base remains same.

The second version of the same painting of Chattrapati Shambhaji Maharaja.

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