Expound the profound-Cut'n thru bs 1 layer @a time Profile picture
Rational Irrationalist,rabiddog negotiator,destructive peace keeper. Imperialist Nationalist.Sapio-somethin,Pandemics are fun,war is funner.Lets do both.ATHEIST

Feb 14, 2023, 10 tweets


Pay attn to scales - some are inverted.

Notice the spread btw svix and q's now vs what it used to be... Takes a LOT more to pull markets higher (but svix is used to crush oil...)

Weird inflation measure - gold/platinum - its higher

Net liquidity

Global bond yields are higher

US 30y is higher (inverted scale)

The grand poobah that controls it all

JPYCAD - the manipulation machine



Dont forget - $AAPL missed earnings...

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